  • 期刊


Impacts of Dental Global Budgeting Under National Health Insurance on the Distribution of Health Resources




Objectives: Many studies have indicated that global budgeting can control medical expenses to some extent; nevertheless, whether global budgeting can improve health resources distribution is still unclear. This study attempts to evaluate whether NHI’s implementation of dental global budgeting has improved the equality of health resources distribution. Method: The Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient were used to analyze the degree of inequality of health resources distribution. The intervention analysis, based on time series data was employed to identify the potential impact resulted from the policy of global budgeting. Results: After the implementation of dental global budgeting, the inequality of three health resources distribution measured by Gini coefficients has dropped dramatically. The result reveals that global budgeting could have improved the equality and accessibility of health resources distribution. Conclusions: Previous studies have pointed out that the implementation of global budgeting could control the increase in medical expenses. This study examined the new payment system from another angle, and found that it could cause the structural change of dental industry and led to some adjustments of dental practice, which have potentials to enhance equalizing the health resources distribution. As a result, when the quality of dental care is assured, the global budgeting reimbursement system could be adopted to enhance the equalization of health care resources distribution.


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