  • 期刊


Risky Behaviors of Young Female Sex Workers and Policy Recommendations for the Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Taiwan


目標:探討年輕女性性工作者進行性交易時,所面臨的實際情況與危險性行為發生的原因,並探討公共衛生政策能夠介入的方向。方法:研究族群以30歲以下的女性性工作者為主,以滾雪球方式邀請,使用質性研究的方式,運用深入訪談收集訪談資料;訪談內容主要在了解年輕女性性工作者在職場危險與性病、愛滋病的關係。訪談內容分析的方式,是根據訪談內容的逐字稿,歸納受訪者共同經驗,訪談時間約90~120分鐘,視情況會二度或是三度訪談。結果:訪談個案總計19人,研究發現受訪的年輕女性性工作者,保護自己免於感染的能力不夠完整與健全。由於年輕女性的社會化不足或教育程度有落差,造成與顧客談判磋商的能力低落。錯誤的自我保護措施與不完整的性觀念,使得年輕女性性工作者,在性行為頻繁的狀況下,罹患性病的機會增加。結論:在性傳染疾病的防治策略上,可選擇減害的思維,建立諮詢站提供諮詢,教導安全性行為觀念以及與顧客磋商的技巧,配合全面篩檢以遏止性傳染疾病的盛行。(台灣衛誌 2012;31(1):83-94)


Objectives: This study assessed the actual situations that young female sex workers must face in order to provide policy advice for the prevention and control of sexually transmitted infections. Methods: We conducted tape-recorded in-depth interviews with female sex workers under 30 years of age by snowball sampling. The main content of the interviews included working conditions and the actual use of condoms. We spent about 90 to 120 minutes for the first interview, and extended to second or third interviews if necessary. We analyzed the tape recordings to summarize the common experiences of the participants. Results: A total of 19 young female sex workers participated in this study. We found that the participants had little ability to avoid sexually transmitted infections. They had inadequate socialization skills and minimal knowledge obtained from school; therefore, they had little ability to negotiate with their customers. Incorrect measures of self-protection further increased their opportunity to get infected. Conclusions: We recommend a preventive strategy of harm reduction by establishing a peer-consultation model to deliver correct knowledge and bargaining skills, combined with passive, comprehensive screening to help young sex workers prevent and detect sexually transmitted infections. (Taiwan J Public Health. 2012; 31(1):83-94)


行政院衛生署疾病管制局:防疫專區疾病介紹:衛生署疾病管制局防疫專區資料。http://www.cdc.gov.tw。引用 2010/10/31。Centers for Disease Control, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan). Introduction to diseases in the special section on disease prevention in the Centers for Disease Control, Department of Health, Executive Yuan. Available at: http://www.cdc.gov.tw. Accessed October 31, 2010
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