  • 期刊


Climate Change, Nature, and Ecological Communication


羅賓遜(Kim Stanley Robinson)出版多部作品,包括火星三部曲、加州三部曲、全球暖化三部曲等。在論述上,研究者主要將批評的焦點置於火星三部曲,其中又以烏托邦/反烏托邦和地景改造(terraforming)的主題最明顯。本文將研究重點轉移至氣候變遷的議題上,指出傳統的生態意識,如「成長的極限」、「自然終結」、「人本主義的驕傲」等觀念,乃是「謹慎原則」的化身,有道德說教之嫌。透過全球暖化三部曲的分析,本文希望能將倫理和氣候政治的議題帶進氣候變遷的領域來討論。同時,本文也指出氣候變遷暗示未來可能性的開顯,而不是末代論的隱憂;也就是說,氣候變遷不應以道德理念為論述核心;相反的,氣候變遷是一種風險分析與防治。職是,本文採用魯曼(Niklas Luhmann)的「生態溝通」做為方法論的基礎,強調「邏輯反叛」、客觀認知和二階觀察,嘗試運用這些指標來觀察氣候敘述的社會系統並找出生態溝通和社會溝通的共振頻率。


In this paper, I examine how contemporary writers represent global warming, focusing on Kim Stanley Robinson's ”Science in the Capitol Trilogy,” in terms of Niklas Luhmann's anti-morality approach to global warming narratives. First, I look at the scientific literature, especially the idea that the greenhouse effect leads to global warming. Instead of adopting ”global warming” as an unproblematic term, I suggest using the term ”climate change.” Then I offer a critique of the ecological moral imperative by way of Luhmannian ecological communication to challenge dubious or over-simplified readings of global warming, arguing that (1) collapse narratives, apocalyptic narratives, and millennial ecology, all bespeak their internal limitations and are no longer the tour de force of ecoliterature; (2) ecological communication should not be based on pure emotional, narcissistic, spiritual, moral, or didactic approaches and, therefore, ”the ecological revolt” is necessary in ecocriticism; (3) Robinson's alternative history suggests that abrupt climate change can be managed through top-down global climate governance, as the main characters in the trilogy suggest. My analysis of this trilogy will focus on the conditions of possibility under which abrupt climate change is represented, acted out and mitigated.


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