  • 期刊


Effects of Aerobic Performance after Three Weeks Altitude Training in Male Distance Runners


The purpose of the study was to investigate the improving aerobic performance factors after altitude training. Nine distance runners volunteer as the subjects. All of the subjects participated a nine weeks experiment period including 3 weeks preparation, 3 weeks altitude training (1891 meters), and 3 weeks sea level training. They took the same training method and same training intensity. All of the subjects had to 4 times of VO2max tests and the 12-min run. Tests were hold at pre-preparation period (PT), before (BT) and after (AT) altitude training, and three weeks after (3WT) altitude training. One way repeated ANOV A was used to analyze the difference among the tests. Turkey post t-test was utilized if F value was a shown significant difference. The alpha level equaled to .05. The finding of the study was as follows: A significant difference (p<.05) was found in both VO2rnax and the 12-min Run among the tests. AT had significant better of the 12 min-run and VO2rnax than that of PT and BT. However, no difference was found between AT and 3WT. Meanwhile, 3WT had a better (p<.05) VO2max and the 12-min run than BT. The result was indicated the altitude is the major factors that effect one’s aerobic performance during the altitude training.


The purpose of the study was to investigate the improving aerobic performance factors after altitude training. Nine distance runners volunteer as the subjects. All of the subjects participated a nine weeks experiment period including 3 weeks preparation, 3 weeks altitude training (1891 meters), and 3 weeks sea level training. They took the same training method and same training intensity. All of the subjects had to 4 times of VO2max tests and the 12-min run. Tests were hold at pre-preparation period (PT), before (BT) and after (AT) altitude training, and three weeks after (3WT) altitude training. One way repeated ANOV A was used to analyze the difference among the tests. Turkey post t-test was utilized if F value was a shown significant difference. The alpha level equaled to .05. The finding of the study was as follows: A significant difference (p<.05) was found in both VO2rnax and the 12-min Run among the tests. AT had significant better of the 12 min-run and VO2rnax than that of PT and BT. However, no difference was found between AT and 3WT. Meanwhile, 3WT had a better (p<.05) VO2max and the 12-min run than BT. The result was indicated the altitude is the major factors that effect one’s aerobic performance during the altitude training.


distance runners altitude training 12-min run VO2max


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