  • 期刊


The Effect of Core Muscle Training with Different Training Intensity on Athletes' Performance




The use of core muscle training to improve performance of athletes has gained popularity in recent years. Core muscles consist of abdorminals in the front, erector spinatus and gluteals in back, the diagram in the top region, and the pelvic and hip girdle musculature serving as the bottom. Several reviewed studies represent athletes with stable core endurance or strong core strength can improve athletic performance and reduce incidence of sports injuries. This study investigated the effect of core training with different intensity on athletic performance from reviewing related studies. Low-load core muscle training improves the efficiency of movement and benefit may not be transferred into athelete's performance. High-load core muscle training or the program integrating core stability training and strengthening training appear to improve sport performance of athletes more effectively than low-load core muscle training. The result in the present study provided exercise instructors guidelines for core muscle training.


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