  • 期刊


Strategies in Preventing Tennis Related Sports Injury


網球運動在擊球過程中身體需負荷極大的重量與撞擊力,以及加速器與減速器肌肉的瞬間變化,在身體組織各關節高度的扭轉,慣用手長期過度使用,都是屬於不對稱的運動方式,因此,肩關節與軀幹部位存在著肌力不平衡導致運動傷害的發生。目前職業頂尖網球選手不斷的受運動傷害所苦被迫放棄重要賽事,如果能夠預防網球運動所產生的傷害,可能是減少受傷率的重要因素。因此本文依據網球運動受傷成因區分為內因性(intrinsic risk factor)與外因性(extrinsic risk factor)兩大類。內因性為運動員本身的特性,例如身體特質(肌力與肌耐力、肌肉平衡、柔軟度等)、心理特質(輕敵、焦慮、性格特質)。外因性為運動員遭遇外在因素特質所造成,例如專項運動特性(超負荷訓練量、慣用手過度使用)、場地材質的不同(草地、硬地與紅土場地)、訓練效果(動作的正確性、運動前、後的伸展運動、過度疲勞)、季節性的溫度變化。提供教練與選手們如何預防網球運動傷害之對策,有效提升選手在球場上的運動表現入的瞭解,並且發展健身運動者自我對話相關量表,以期應用自我對話的效益發揮在健身運動情境中。


網球 預防傷害 因應對策


Tennis sport action of hitting the tennis ball has a huge impact on the body. The sudden motor acceleration and deceleration of the muscles, the contortion of specific joints in the body, combined with the frequent use of the dominant hand, are all factors which contribute to an improper exercise regime. As a result, the muscles imbalance of the shoulder blade and torso increases in relation to the rest of the body, increasing the chance of sports injury. Nowadays professional tennis players are forced to give up participating required tournaments due to unexpected injuries. Prevention is probably the most important strategy to decrease tennis-related injuries. This article breaks down tennis-related sport injury into two categories: Intrinsic and extrinsic tennis-related sport injury. Intrinsic tennis-related injury includes physical characteristics (muscular strength and endurance) and psychological characteristics (underestimating opponents, anxiety and personality). Extrinsic tennis-related injury includes difference in training (overtraining or overuse of the dominant hand), training materials (grass, hard court or clay), training effects (accuracy, pre-and post-stretch, and overfatigue), and seasonal temperature change. Provided in the article are strategies for coaches and players on how to prevent sport injuries, thereby effectively improve performance on the tennis court.


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