  • 期刊


A Mountain Love Song between Cross Cultural Couples: A Study of the Origin and Imagined Identity of "The Maiden of Malan"




”The Maiden of Malan,” possibly the best-known modern Amis popular song, tells about the romance of an Amis maiden. A famous rendering of this song is recorded by an Amis singer Lu Jingzi, from Malan, Taidong. Ethnomusicologists have since collected several very similar tunes. Considering the prevalence of the album and the folk singers' tendency to improvise, they were taken to be derivations from Lu Jingzi's recording. However, field investigation and studies of the rhythm and lyrics indicate otherwise. Lu Jingzi's interpretation might not be original, nor did the song come from Malan. ”The Maiden of Malan” has been adapted into mandarin and Taiwanese versions, used as theme songs for TV series, film and fiction that feature a romance between an aboriginal maiden and a Han young man. Because of the popularity of this song, there are several cover versions. The current Amis version of ”The Maiden of Malan” was possibly influenced by the mandarin version; its rhythm and lyrics are different from those of the earlier one. In addition to its pleasant tune, creative adaptation by Han musicians, lyric writers, and dramatists all contribute to the success of ”The Maiden of Malan.” They constructed an imagined world of the aboriginal people that in turn influenced the aboriginal people's self-identity.


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