  • 期刊


A Ganglion Cyst of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Detected by Ultrasonographic Examination: A Case Report


後十字韌帶腱鞘囊腫(ganglion cyst)是臨床上少見的疾病。過去的診斷多依賴核磁共振造影或膝關節鏡檢查。由於超音波儀器的進步與高解析度探頭的發展,超音波可用來檢查肌肉骨骼系統。我們報告的病例是一位21歲女性,因為跌倒後而有左膝疼痛的問題。超音波檢查發現後十字韌帶後側有一個低回音多葉狀的病兆,有後加強的現象(posterior enhancement),懷疑是後十字韌帶腱鞘囊腫,進一步的核磁共振造影證實了前述的診斷。超音波可以動態的評估組織結構,費用較低且取得方便。本報告是首度以超音波發現源自於後十字韌帶之腱鞘囊腫。未來,利用超音波檢查將有助於診斷並治療膝關節的腱鞘囊腫。


韌帶 腱鞘囊腫 超音波


A ganglion cyst of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) is a rare condition and it is usually an incidental finding of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or arthroscopy. Recent advances in ultrasound technology and the development of high-resolution transducers have enabled detailed imaging of musculoskeletal structures. We describe a 21-year-old female who complained of left knee pain after a slip and fall. A sonogram showed an echo-free, multilocular lesion with posterior enhancement, just posterior to the PCL. A ganglion cyst of the PCL was suspected, and the diagnosis was subsequently confirmed by MRI. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a ganglion cyst of the PCL imaged by ultrasound. Ultrasonography may play a future role in the diagnosis of ganglion cysts of the PCL.


knee ligament ganglion cyst ultrasonography
