

目的:本篇回顧文章描述肌筋膜引起背痛的病因、病理及臨床的特性和其治療。 發現:基於目前可得到的知識和臨床經驗,我們分析肌激痛點引起背痛的基本和臨床的觀點。大多數肌激痛點引起背痛的病例與受傷有關。許多潛在病因可使「隱性肌激痛點」活化成爲「活性肌激痛點」,而造成肌筋膜背痛。因此,爲了根除肌筋膜背痛且避免其再發,最重要是應找出並治療潛在病因。「活性肌激痛點」本身之有效治療(即去活化)包括徒手治療、物理治療和肌激痛點的針刺治療。 結論:查明引起肌筋膜背痛的病因並且提供適當的處理是重要的。


肌筋膜疼痛 肌激痛點 背痛


Objective: This review article describes the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical characters and management of low back pain (LBP) caused by myofascial trigger points (MTrPs), i.e. myofascial low back pain. Findings: Based on the currently available knowledge and our clinical experience, we analyzed the basic and clinical aspects of myofascial LBP. Most cases of myofascial LBP are related to injuries, either current or previous. Active MTrPs that cause LBP are usually activated as a consequence of other etiological lesions. Therefore, it is important to determine and treat the underlying pathological lesions in order to avoid recurrence of myofascial LBP. If the underlying pathological lesion is unable to be identified and the pain in MTrPs is very severe, we may still have to suppress the active MTrP for pain control. To inactivate MTrPs, effective approaches include manual therapy, physical therapy modalities, and needling including acupuncture and MTrP injection. Conclusion: It is important to find out the underlying etiological lesion, which causes LBP, and to provide appropriate management based on our best knowledge.

