  • 期刊


Foot Pain Related Factors for Nursing Aides at Long-term Care Institutions: A Preliminary Study


長期照護機構中的照顧服務員之工作性質需整天站立及走動,同時還經常協助病患轉位,下肢的負擔較一般職業爲重。而足部爲人體最複雜也是最重要的結構之一,要能承受全身重量之負荷,且具有支撐、伸縮、扭曲、彈跳、吸震及摩擦等功能。本實驗以照顧服務員爲對象進行研究,目的在於探討個人工作型態若須長時間站立及走動,其足部疼痛是否受功能性活動型態之影響,或者是足部結構異常所導致。本先導實驗研究主題即是以中部某長期照護機構之35位照顧服務員爲對象,事先填寫問卷回答是否過去三個月內有足部疼痛經驗,再以足型評估法與電腦足底壓力分析系統進行評估及量測。 研究結果發現,35位受測者中有14位回答過去三個月內曾有足部疼痛的經驗,足型評估法結果發現21位足部結構異常,當中12位曾有足部疼痛的情形;電腦足底壓力分析系統則量測出18位足弓高度異常,當中有6位曾有足部疼痛的情形。足型結構異常者,發生足部疼痛的比率有57%,足弓高度異常則有33%的足部疼痛發生率。此兩種評估方式主要差別在於受測者的姿勢,前者爲非承重姿勢下靜態測量,後者則爲承重姿勢下動態測量。實驗結果顯示有無足部疼痛兩組足型評估異常的比例有顯著差異(p=0.029),可推論足部的結構異常是造成照顧服務員足部疼痛的危險因子之一,而足弓高度及足底壓力分佈對導致足部疼痛的影響並不顯著(p=0.629)。


Nursing aides at long-term care institutions need to stand and walk all day. As a result, the average burden of lower limbs for nursing aides is greater than nurses was. Feet have to bear the bodies weight as well as for support, shock absorption, and wear and tear from walking. This study investigated major factors of foot pain as caused by functional activities or the abnormal foot structures from prolonged standing and walking due to work. The participants were nursing aides at a special education school in central Taiwan. The first questionnaire gathered foot pain history for the previous three months. There were two screening experiments, foot assessment, and plantar pressure analysis. These experiments were conducted to measure and evaluate. There were 14 participants that had foot pain during the previous three months. Twenty-one had abnormal foot structure as discovered from the foot assessment and 12 had a history of foot pain. Only 18 had abnormal foot structure as discovered by plantar pressure analysis and 6 had a history of foot pain. The precise rate from the foot assessment method and the plantar pressure analysis system was 57 % and 33 %, respectively. The different aspects of the two screening methods resulted in different, yet precise screening rates. The foot assessment method was representative of a non-loaded static posture. Whereas, the plantar pressure analysis system was representative of a loaded dynamic posture. The experimental results showed that the assessment of the non-loaded static posture was associated with foot pain significantly (p=0.029). Foot structure was a major impact factor for the foot pain. The functional activity pattern that lead to foot pain was insignificant (p=0.629).


long-term care nursing aides foot pain


