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The Performance and Occupational Therapy Intervention Effect of Visual-Motor Integration in Adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome: A Pilot Study


本研究嘗試探討普瑞德威利氏症候群(Prader-Willi Syndrome, PWS)成人患者之視覺動作整合、視知覺與動作協調表現,並進一步了解職能治療介入成效。研究共收取7 位PWS 成人患者,使用拜瑞─布坦尼卡視覺動作統整發展測驗(全式) Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, Beery-VMI 與其視知覺、動作協調分測驗來評估PWS 患者的視覺動作整合、視知覺與動作協調能力;後續再進行為期兩個月,一週一次,每次二小時的視覺動作任務訓練,並於訓練結束後以及一個月後進行再次評估。結果發現PWS 患者初評的視覺動作整合、視知覺與動作協調表現皆不佳,所有個案之年齡當量皆遠低於其生理年齡,不同基因類型的表現也有落差。至於介入效果之部分,PWS 患者的「動作協調能力」於後測有顯著進步(p=0.039),此進步情形也可持續至一個月追蹤,但視覺動作整合能力與視知覺表現皆無顯著差異存在。顯示視覺動作任務之介入僅能改善PWS 患者的動作協調問題,但對其視知覺之效果有限。此結果可能與PWS 患者本身疾患的特色(例如注意力、認知、衝動控制與動作問題)、視知覺發展能力受限相關,使其視覺動作整合與視知覺能力無法因介入而有所改變;但因本研究有許多研究限制存在,仍需未來研究進一步探討方能正確釐清。


Objective. This study was attempted to investigate the performance and the effect of occupational therapy intervention via visual-motor integration (VMI), visual perception and motor coordination in adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS). Methods. seven adults with PWS were included in the study. VMI, visual perception and motor coordination were assessed using the Beery Visual-Motor Integration test and VMI Supplemental tests in the beginning of the study, shortly after receiving the treatment and one month after the intervention. Treatment was scheduled for 2 hour per week for 2 months. Results. Every adult with PWS received a low age equivalent score in VMI, visual perception and motor coordination that was far beyond their physical age performance. As for intervention effect, a positive treatment effect in the motor coordination (p=0.039) was found in the adults with PWS. No significant improvements were noted in the VMI and visual perception tests. Conclusion. Occupational therapy for visual-motor intervention was effective in improving motor coordination performance, but showed no statistical improvement in the VMI and visual perception abilities of adults with PWS. Further study is needed to clarify the actual effect of visual-motor intervention in aduts with PWS.


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