  • 期刊


A Positive Research of the Interaction between Local Factions and District Committee of Mediation since 1995 to 1999 in Taipei County




It is believed that almost every Town's District Committee of Mediation in Taiwan is dominated by local factions and the committee members are the important figures within their factions. In this research, based on the assumption that the Committee members are convenient to access political, social and economic interests, we hypothesize that in Taipei County the more powerful a local political faction is the more intervention it has toward the District Committee of Mediation. Therefore, we use 3 models to examine the relationship between local political factions and the District Committee of Mediation by statistic datum, such as the amounts of mediation cases, the successful rate of mediation and soon. However, through depth interviews to 8 committee members and 3 clergies in different Towns of Taipei County which provides not only the quantitative explanations but the qualitative analysis for this research. The author expects that students of Taiwan's local political factions research will have mo0re refined models contributed by this paper to duplicate further studies.


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