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Diurnal and Annual Temperature Variations in Experimental Forests of the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute






氣溫變化 氣象站 日溫差


Temperature regimes are the main factor that determine the type of forest ecosystems and the most important factor for seed germination and vegetative growth. Diurnal and annual temperature variations for 10 meteorological stations of the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute (TFRI) were analyzed in this report. The results indicate that the highest and lowest air temperatures occurred in July and January, respectively, at all stations of TFRI. Monthly average air temperatures ranged from 6.5 to 28.6℃, and those extremes occurred in January at the Piluchi station and in July at the Taimali station, respectively. The diurnal range of temperature is relatively large owing to the shortness of the daily cycle. The largest daily temperature discrepancy was found at the Piluchi station which had a range of 22.1℃, while the smallest discrepancy was at the Hengchen station with a range of 11.8℃. Times of highest temperatures within a day occurred before noon for stations at higher elevations, while those of other stations occurred after noon and mostly around 14:00. Cloud cover was the possible reason for the earlier occurrence of the highest temperature at higher elevations because clouds are usually present before noon particularly in summer months. The lowest temperature within a day mostly occurred at about 06:00 before dawn and had no relationship with elevation or season.


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