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An Estimation of Carbon Emissions by Taiwan's Major Imported Solid Wood Products


研究木質產品的生命週期,可以瞭解木質產品從原物料取得到最終處置的過程中,投入與產出所產生的潛在環境衝擊。木材及林產品的碳足跡的計算,包過經營、伐採、運輸、生產、加工,甚至廢棄物處理等一系列的過程,臺灣木材需求量有99%來自進口,而國產材與進口材碳足跡的最大差異,在於原料取得過程經由「運輸」所產生的碳排放。因此本文以2005~2014年主要實木產品進口貿易資料,估算實木產品於航運之CO_2排放量,研究顯示臺灣進口的實木產品於航運過程的CO_2排放量平均每年為6.7萬公噸(散裝船)及30.9萬公噸(貨櫃船)。每立方公尺實木產品航運所排放的CO_2為3.18到47.69kg m^(-3) (散裝船)、14.52到217.55 kg m^(-3) (貨櫃船)。每立方公尺實木產品航運的CO_2排放量佔CO_2固定量的比例為0.26~3.82% (散裝船)、1.19~17.43%。本文計算實木產品於航運過程產生的碳排放,研究成果可做為產品碳足跡之估算,以及未來國產材推動地產地銷減碳效益之估算依據。


實木產品 CO_2排放量 運輸


Studying the life-cycle of wood products can help understand the cradle-to-grave total energy and its potential environmental impact starting with extraction of materials from the earth to the end of life. Calculation of the carbon footprint of timber and wood products considers all activities associated with the use of the material or product maintenance, logging, transportation, fabrication, processing, and disposal. Taiwan relies heavily on wood imports of as much as 99%. Between domestic timber and imported timber, the most significant difference in the carbon footprint lies in the carbon emissions resulting from the transport when obtaining raw materials. Hence, based on data of major solid wood product imports of 2005~2014, this study estimated the CO_2 emissions from transport. Results indicate that the average CO_2 emitted annually from the transport of Taiwan's imported solid wood products was 67,000 metric tons (mt) from bulk carriers and 309,000 mt from container ships. The amounts of CO_2 emitted during the transport of every cubic meter of solid wood product were decided mainly by the shipping distance and type of carriers. Transporting every cubic meter of solid wood product resulted in 3.18 to 47.69 kg m^(-3) CO_2 emissions by bulk carriers and 14.52 to 217.55 kg m^(-3) emissions by container ships. As this paper estimates the carbon emissions produced during the transport of solid wood products, its results can contribute to estimations of a product's carbon footprint. This study also lays the groundwork on which the efficacy of minimizing CO_2 emission levels is calculated when encouraging the use of domestically produced timber in the future.


solid wood carbon emissions transportation
