  • 期刊


International Regimes and the Enforcement of Human Rights: The Legislative Process of the Racial Discrimination Ordinance in Hong Kong


為確保對個人人格尊嚴的了解與尊重,同時藉由消除種族壁壘,建立起一個沒有種族歧視的國際社會,聯合國先於1963年發表了《消除一切形式種族歧視宣言》,並於1965年正式通過《消除一切形式種族歧視國際公約》。香港在1997年回歸中國之前,其前宗主國英國為聯合國之成員,所以香港自然成為英國所簽署諸多國際公約中的當然成員;回歸中國之後,香港《基本法》中明文規定,原先適用於香港的國際協議仍繼續有效。由於《消除一切形式種族歧視公約》為其中之一,因此香港政府理應具有制定相關反歧視條約的國際責任。然而,港府卻遲未採取任何立法行動,直到2006年才正式向香港立法會提交《種族歧視條例》草案。本文以當時種族歧視條例的立法背景以及法案審查資料以及相關的文件為主,檢視並分析包括香港政府官員、立法會議員與相關社會團體在委員會審查中的發言內容,並輔以深度訪談之資料,期望藉由這些資料來了解影響香港政府推動立法的原因,以及立法過程中的爭議。本文發現,香港《種族歧視條例》的推動與內容的發展可以用Keck和Sikkink迴力鏢模型(boomerang model)的跨國倡議網絡來闡釋。由香港境內的非政府組織以及民主派立法會議員所組成之境內網絡,與跨國人權團體、國際組織所構成的境外網絡結合,對香港政府施加壓力,使得港府必須正視其境內種族歧視的問題,並進一步提出政策作為因應。


The passage of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination in 1965 did not help Hong Kong to protect its citizens from discrimination at all, although Hong Kong has been a member of the convention since 1969. The H.K government had done nothing to deal with its racial discrimination problem for decades, either under Britain's rule or China's rule. However, some 40 years later in 2006, the H.K. government submitted a bill proposal to the Legislative Council which aimed to eliminate racial discrimination. This caused us to inquire why the H.K. government changed its mind to deal with the problem of racial discrimination. In this paper, we attempt to figure out the explanation by interviewing H.K. legislators, government officials and staff from NGOs, and analyzing discussions and debates during the legislative process. The results indicate that the enactment and the passage of the Race Discrimination Ordinance in Hong Kong can be explained by the boomerang model of the transnational advocacy network which creates tremendous pressure on the Hong Kong Government to take action. On the one hand, NGOs in Hong Kong that advocate the elimination of racial discrimination played an active role in lobbying legislators and pressuring the H.K. Government to enact a bill that can decrease the extent of racial discrimination in Hong Kong. On the other hand, these NGOs also established a strong connection with actors outside Hong Kong such as international organizations and the United Nations' Committees to force the H.K. government to pay attention to this issue and further to change their behavior. In short, the development of a transnational advocacy network among Hong Kong NGOs and the international regimes and international civil society has accelerated the enhancement of the Race Discrimination Ordinance and changed the policy of anti-racial discrimination of the Hong Kong Government.


