  • 期刊


Why Lu Shiyi Declined Township Governance?




鄉約 宗族 陳瑚 《治鄉三約》 明末清初


Lu Shiyi (1611-1672) wrote Zhixiang sanyue (Three Covenants for Governing the Rural Districts). Although he had the opportunity to be a yuezheng (a local chief) to implement his township governance ideal, he declined the offer and gave up this great opportunity to realize his township governance theory. He declined this opportunity for a personal reason, but no one accepted this excuse. In particular, although these Three Contracts are merely theory, there are characteristics of implementation and requirements of realization. When a theory is practiced, it is necessary for operators to face scenarios in reality. However, Lu simply declined the local chief's offer for personal reasons without specifying any unbiased views on the social condition. Therefore, this paper discussed and analyzed the difficulties in implementing the Three Contracts in terms of the social background in the south of Yangtze during the Ming and Qing dynasties, aiming to uncover the historical and social context of Lu's township governance. This paper found that family development in the Ming Dynasty should have played in important role in Lu's declining of the local chief's offer.


梁漱溟:〈新社會組織構造之建立──鄉村組織〉,《鄉村建設理論》,山東鄒平:鄉村書店,1937 年,頁 187-214。
楊開道:〈鄉約制度的研究〉,《社會學界》1931 年第 5 卷,頁 11-44。
