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A Study of Pupils' Web Argumentation Ability and Scientific Conceptual Learning


本研究旨在探討學生在本研究所發展的「Toulmin論證系統」(Toulmin Argumentation System, TAS)中,進行論證活動時其科學概念及論品質的表現。本研究以Toulmin (1958)論證模式做為論證教學及分析依據,論證文本以「光的行進」為主題,資料分析採質性研究。研究結果發現在115位受試者中,多數受試者的論點能形成Toulmin (1958)論證模式的三到四個元素;迷思概念組受試者論證能力明顯低於正確概念組受試者,迷思概念組受試者偏向為中、低論證能力組,正確概念受試者則平均分佈在低、中、高能力三組;在證據的使用上,正確概念組受試者較迷思概念組受試者更能正確使用證據;而低能力組無法正確使用證據者為82.8%,中能力組無法正確使用證據者為34.7%,高能力組無法正確使用證據者為21.6%;在TAS論證系統的論證活動中,迷思概念組受試者只有少數產生概念改變者。


This study was designed to investigate pupils' scientific conception and argument qualities during the argumentation activities within the Toulmin Argumentation System (TAS), which was developed for this study. The qualitative methodology adopted in this study and the argumentation instruction was conducted using the Toulmin's (195) Argument Pattern. The result showed that the majority of participants could construct three to four components of Toulmin's (1958) Argument Pattern. The argumentation abilities of participants in the misconception group were significantly lower than those in the correct conception group for all 115 participants. The participants in the misconception group tended to be distributed in the intermediate and low ability groups and the participants in the correct conception group tended to be distributed in the high, intermediate, and low ability groups. For evidence usage, the participants in the correct conception group were more sophisticated than those in the misconception group. The more argumentation ability the participants had, the more evidence they could use for their arguments. The participants having low ability tended to not evaluate others' arguments. The minority of participants in the misconception group exhibited conceptual change during the argumentation activities within the TAS.


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