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數位學習平臺「第二生命」(Second Life)研究的知識結構與發展趨勢

The Knowledge Structure and Development Trend of the Studies of Digital Learning Platform "Second Life"


「第二生命」(Second Life, SL)已被認為是有助各種學科提升學習效果的數位學習平臺,也引發愈來愈多的研究,其研究的知識結構與發展趨勢值得透過研究文獻的回顧加以瞭解以利SL的善用。因此,本研究借重量化的文獻計量學之引文分析、文獻共被引分析及文獻社會網絡分析,以2006-2012年間在Web of Science [WoS]資料庫所收納期刊發表的SL文獻為對象,總共分析394篇文獻及所引用之13,315筆參考文獻資料。研究結果如下:1. SL研究的知識結構以商業與經濟、教育與教育研究、電腦科學、心理學、資訊與圖書科學等學科領域為重點;2. SL研究文獻主要來自美國的大學,其次為英國;3. SL前三個研究群集為「3D教育發展趨勢」、「化身對玩家的行為改變」和「虛擬環境應用的理論」;以及4. SL研究文獻共被引圖譜呈現均衡分散現象,說明SL研究領域尚未形成自身獨特的核心群集。


Second Life (SL) has been considered to be the digital learning platform promoting a variety of disciplines to enhance learning and led to an increasing number of research studies. The knowledge structure and development trend of SL studies are worth being investigated through the research literature review to make better use of SL. Thus, this study employed quantitative bibliometric citation analysis, literature co-citation analysis and literature social network analysis to analyze the SL journal articles published between 2006 and 2012 and included in the WoS database. A total of 394 articles and 13,315 documents cited in those articles were explored. The results are as follows: (1) The knowledge structure of the SL studies focuses on business and economics, education and educational research, computer science, psychology, information science and library science; (2) The SL research literatures are mainly from universities in the United States and the United Kingdom; (3) The first three research clusters of SL studies are "3D trends in education," "incarnation of the players' behavior change" and "the theory of virtual environment applications;" (4) The SL research literature co-cited map indicates balanced dispersion phenomenon and implies that the research field of SL has not formed its own unique core cluster yet.


Chen, C. M. (2013). Citespace visualizing patterns and trends in scientific literature. Retrieved October 2, 2013, from http://cluster.cis.drexel.edu/~cchen/citespace
Leydesdorff, L. (2013). Loet Leydesdorff. Retrieved October 10, 2013, from http://www.leydesdorff.net/index.htm
