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A Case Study on the Transition of Vocational High-School Teachers' Perception of Inquiry Teaching through the Application of Professional Development Activities




Based on the execution of the High Scope Project, this study aimed to group vocational highschool teachers for the purpose of professional development with the assistance of the university research team. The targeted group of teachers was equipped with appropriate professional knowledge and ability to cooperatively deign the "interdisciplinary inquiry curriculum on 'Mechatronic' intelligence robot," accompanied by various activities of discussion, sharing, reflection, and adjustment. Accordingly, this article was to explore the possible transition of these vocational high-school teachers' perception of "inquiry teaching" during this one-year professional development process. A qualitative case study approach was employed in this study. Participants were nine teachers of a public vocational high-school in Chiayi area. Data were collected throughout the executive process of the professional development program and then analyzed by the editing analytic techniques for examining the transition of these teachers' perception of inquiry teaching. According to the data analyses, two themes regarding these teachers' perception of inquiry teaching were extracted to show their changes after receiving the professionaldevelopment program: "orientated perception of learning conception" and "practical perception of curriculum and instruction." The findings indicated that these teachers progressively aware the advantages of inquiry teaching for their students' scientific learning, which led to a proper deign of the targeted curriculum with an emphasis of inquiry teaching. Recommendations derived from findings and discussions were proposed for assisting high-school teachers in future curriculum design tasks and= enhancing their perception transition through the support of a cooperative long-term professional development program provided by the university research team. It is also expected that more highschool teachers can comprehend the core concept of inquiry teaching and are willing to devote themselves to implementing inquiry teaching in their classrooms.


蔡明致、林莞如、葉辰楨、張文華、王國華(2011)。試行AA Vee圖融入三階段探究教學模式對科學教師專業成長之影響。師資培育教師專業發展期刊。4(1),87-116。
