  • 期刊


The Setup and User Population Survey of a Dermatological Website Featured with Case Presentation,Review,Discussion and Self-Test


研究背景:數位科技的革新與寬頻網路的出現讓影像的儲存、取得與散播有了新的方式。若將數位影像與寬頻網路結合,將可對皮膚科醫師的學習、交流以及資料的儲存提供相當的助益。 目的:由提供一個線上病例分享、討論以及測驗的園地,來了解皮膚科醫師對此類網站的興趣、接受度及使用情形。 研究方法:我們建置了一個免費的線上病例資料庫﹝Net Dermatology Case Challenge Forum-NDCCF﹞。提供病例上傳、病例瀏覽、病例討論、自我測驗四項功能,網址是http://ndccf.idv.tw。網站完成後,我們針對國內外50位皮膚科醫師發出邀請,再統計這些醫師對此邀請的反應率,回訪情形,及對各項功能的使用狀況。 結果:在五個月內的反應率為64%。開站11個月來,以造訪5次以下的會員最多(69.5%)。各功能使用情形方面,病例瀏覽佔了99.2%,其他三項功能幾乎無人參與使用。 結論:整體而言,使用者的反應並不熱烈。可能可以藉著改善各功能的流程動向、畫面安排與圖片載入時間、適當地宣傳及介紹,以增加使用者提昇討論熱度。並經由使用者的指導與建議,不斷地更新與修正,期盼能推展此網站成為皮膚科學學術交流網站。(中華皮誌21:334-343,2003)




Background: The digital revolution and high-speed, high-capacity networks open new ways of storing, retrieving and distributing images. Therefore, it is possible for dermatologist in present day to view digital images of the different dermatologist through the high-speed Internet networks, and provide valuable opinions as to the correct diagnoses. Objective: We have developed a freely registered online case sharing, discussion, and challenge website for the dermatologists. Our second objective is to study the responses from the dermatologists after they have visited the website. Methods: We have developed a freely registered online case database (Net Dermatology Case Challenge Forum-NDCCF). The database, which is available on the Internet at http://ndccf.idv.tw, is featured with case presentation, review, discussion, and self test. In a period of five months, a total of 50 dermatologists have been invited to visit this website. We then accessed the responses of these invited dermatologists. Besides, the number of visits, and usages of the functions available in this website by all the registered members were analyzed. Results: Thirty-two of the fifth (64%) invited dermatologists have visited the website and registered as members. During the total period of 11 months, majorities of the members (69.5%) have visited this website for less than 5 times. From all the members that have visited the website, most of them explored the case images only. They seldom execute or visit the other functions in the website. Conclusion: Overall, most of the dermatologists are not very enthusiastic in visiting this website. With further modifications for better browsing experience, more seamless image loading, and adequate propagation, we expect more dermatologists to visit this website, make the best use of it, and contribute their valuable comments. In the future, we hope this website to serve not only the dermatologists in Taiwan, but also those in the entire world.(Dermatol Sinica 21 : 334-343,2003)


Dermatology online database


