  • 期刊


The Application of Crown Lengthening Procedure and Elevation of Occlusal Plane to Create the Interarch Space: A Case Report


對於缺乏贋複空間(insufficient interarch space)的情況,其治療方式通常都是複雜且棘手,解決的方式會因爲患者條件的不同而有其適應症,因此需要全盤的考量與分析,才能擬定適合患者的治療計畫。本病例報告爲一女性患者因長期局部缺牙,因而喪失贋複空間,在不改變其咬合垂直高度(occlusal vertical dimension)爲前提下,施行上顎半口及下顎後牙之牙冠增長術(crown lengthening procedure),並提高其咬合平面,最後上顎以固定式局部義齒、下顎以固定式義齒合併植牙來贋複,贋複空間不足的問題已解決,病人微笑時過多牙齦暴露的情形也獲得改善。此方法單純以牙冠增長術來解決空間問題,而不改變其咬合垂直高度,也省卻矯正的療程,但是術前詳細的檢查與診斷模型分析是很重要的。


It is difficult and complicated to restore a case with insufficient interarch space. The critical factor of treatment depends upon patient's condition. Therefore, a comprehensive oral examination for treatment planning is very important. The case reports a female patient who has an insufficient interarch space due to partial edentulism for a long period of time. Under the prerequisite of maintaining the original occlusal vertical dimension, crown lengthening procedures were performed on all upper teeth and lower posterior teeth. To create sufficient interarch space through combination with elevation of occlusal plane, upper arch was restored with fixed partial dentures and lower arch was restored with fixed partial dentures and implant prostheses. This simplified method combined with crown lengthening procedure and occlusal rehabilitation, the problems of insufficient interarch space and gummy smile were resolved without neither orthodontic treatment nor alteration of the occlusal vertical dimension. For cases with insufficient interarch space, the preprosthetic treatment planning and cast analysis are the key elements of success.
