  • 期刊


A Systematic Review of Oil Massage on Weight Gain in Preterm Infants


本研究以系統性文獻回顧與統合分析,整合介入按摩油按摩對於早產兒體重增加之實證。搜尋1997年至2017年3月前發表的隨機對照試驗,資料庫包括Cochrane、PubMed、Medline、ProQuest、華藝線上圖書館。以modified Jadad scale作為篩選研究品質工具,並使用Review Manager 5.1版軟體進行統合分析,資料以平均差及95%信賴區間呈現。最後共得5篇研究,包含364位研究對象,1篇結果支持以橄欖油按摩較僅按摩能顯著提升早產兒體重,2篇運用葵花籽油按摩較僅按摩對提升早產兒體重成效則未有一致結果,另2篇採椰子油按摩,結果為椰子油按摩較採礦物油按摩、僅按摩、接受常規等能顯著增加早產兒體重,進一步統合分析結果顯示,使用按摩油按摩能使得早產兒體重增加較顯著,總效益量為1.66g/kg/day(95%CI:0.17-3.15,p<0.05)。而使用椰子油及礦物油按摩有少數個案產生輕微紅疹,但未達須停止使用的程度。以按摩油按摩頻率1天為3-4次,1次5-15分鐘。此研究結果可作為臨床促進早產兒增加體重之措施依據。


The study conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to summarize the effect of oil massage on weight gain in preterm infants. The search focused on randomized controlled trials published between 1997 and 2017, March and the following databases were searched the Cochrane Library, PubMed, MEDLINE, ProQuest, and Airiti Library. Study quality was assessed using modified Jadad scale and statistical analyses were performed using Review Manager, version 5.1 and mean difference with 95% confidence intervals. Five studies with 364 preterm infants were included. The results of one study showed that a significant increase in weight with olive oil massage compared to the massage only group. Two studies examined the effects of massage with sunflower oil compared to those who received only massage, and the effects on weight gain in preterm newborns were inconsistent. Two studies showed that coconut oil massage resulted in significantly greater weight gain compared to mineral oil, only massage and routine care in preterm newborns. The overall effect of the meta-analysis showed that oil massage was effective to improve weight gain by 1.66g/kg/day (95% CI: 0.17 to 3.15, p<.05). Few participants developed mild rash in the coconut oil and the mineral oil group that did not require discontinuation of application. The oil massage were given three or four times a day and each massage session was 5-15min. These results can be used as a reference for improving the weight gain of preterm infants for clinical practice.


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