  • 期刊


Principles and Applications of 3D Printing


3D列印技術用於快速原型製造和「加法製造」或是「積層製造」技術(additive manufacturing),使用層層堆疊(積層)方式來製造成品,3D列印模產品精確度高,實用價值高,目前3D列印產品已應用於各行各業;美國材料與試驗協會(American Society for Testing and Materials,ASTM)將常見的3D列印技術分成8種類型,包括:(1)光聚合固化技術(vat photopolymerization);(2)粉體熔化成型技術(powder bed fusion);(3)黏著劑噴塗成型技術(binder jetting);(4)材料噴塗成型技術(material jetting);(5)疊層製造成型技術(sheet lamination);(6)材料擠製成型技術(material extrusion);(7)指向性能量沉積技術(directed energy deposition),和(8)混合型(Hybrid)。3D列印技術可應用於教學、模手術前的規劃,製作手術工具和定製型植入物,臨床實用價值很高,近年來3D生物列印科技(3D bioprinting technology)採用細胞,基質和特定材料製造生物性產品,可預見未來更會研發出更多的新技術和產品。


3D列印 骨科


3D printing technology is used for rapid prototyping and "additive manufacturing". It is used to manufacture products using layer by layer stacking manner. The 3D printing model is of almost accuracy and high practical value. 3D printing products have been applied to all aspects of life. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) classifies common 3D printing technologies into 7 types, including: (1)vat photopolymerization, (2)powder bed fusion, (3)binder jetting, (4)material jetting, (5)sheet lamination, (6) material extrusion, (7) directed energy deposition, and (8) hybrid. 3D printing technology can be applied to teaching, pre-operative planning, manufacturing surgical tools and customized implants, with high clinical value. In recent years, 3D bioprinting technologies use cells, substrates and specific materials to make biological products. It can be expected that more and more new technologies and products will be developed in the future.


Zhang L, Yang G, Johnson BN, et al: Three-dimensional (3D) Printed Scaffold and Material Selection for Bone Repair. Acta Biomater. 2018 Nov 24. pii: S1742- 7061 (18)30702-5. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio. 2018.11. 039. [Epub ahead of print]
Vaishya R, Patralekh MK, Vaish A, et al: Publication trends and knowledge mapping in 3D printing in orthopaedics. J Clin Orthop Trauma 2018;9:194-201. doi: 10.1016/j.jcot.2018.07.006
Lal H, Patralekh MK: 3D printing and its applications in orthopaedic trauma: A technological marvel. J Clin Orthop Trauma 2018;9:260-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jcot.2018.07.022
Dhawan A, Kennedy PM, Rizk EB, et al: Three-dimensional Bioprinting for Bone and Cartilage Restoration in Orthopaedic Surgery. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2018 Oct 26. doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-17-00632. [Epub ahead of print]
Mitrousias V, Varitimidis SE, Hantes ME, et al: Anatomy learning from prosected cadaveric specimens versus three-dimensional software: A comparative study of upper limb anatomy. Ann Anat 2018;218:156-64. doi: 10.1016/j.aanat.2018.02.015




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