  • 期刊


Improving the Complete Rate of Fluid Responsiveness Care in Patients with Sepsis in ICU




敗血症 輸液復甦 加護病房


The main purpose of our project was to promote the completion rate of fluid resuscitation bundle in patients with sepsis in our ICU. The prevalence rate of sepsis in our ICU was 37.4%. However, the condition of fluid overload and de-resuscitation may occur, and it was associated with worse outcomes in same patients. Optimized management of fluid balance becomes a central component in critically ill patients. Therefore, our strategy was focus on updating the previous fluid resuscitation bundle, developing new assessment tool, training seed teachers for fluid resuscitation bundle, shooting a film for edema assessment, arranging in-service education etc. After putting into practice, the complete rate of fluid responsiveness care in patients with sepsis improved from 62.0% to 98.4%, and the maintenance rate of effect was 100%. We will share our experience to other intensive care unit in our hospital by taking place several speeches. Finally, we hope to establish a standard version of the document with online access for everyone to fight with sepsis together.


sepsis fluid responsiveness ICU
