  • 期刊


Multiple Strategies to Reduce the Incidence of Physical Restraints




身體約束 多元策略


Physical restraints are often employed to maintain patient safety and prevent events in intensive care units; however, physical and psychological harm to the patients may occur because of inadequate use of restraints. Since 2014, the incidence of physical restraint of our unit was higher than the average level of 2.17% for peer medical centers according to the Taiwan Clinical Performance Indicator system; therefore, we assembled an improvement team. Analysis showed the reasons for the high incidence of physical restraint events included nurses' lack of understanding and worrying about risks, agitation of patients indwelled with required tubes, lack of objective criteria for determining restraint, and deficiency of alternative restraint devices. The improvement strategies included the provision of ongoing professional education curriculum, development of a flow-chart for the restraint process and an assessment tool for high-risk restraint, and the development of "Diamond Arm" and communication aids as alternatives for restraints. After the implementation, the incidence of restraints decreased from 4.04% to 0.76%, showing 81.18% of improvement, without any case of inadvertent removal of indwelling tube or fall, suggesting favorable program outcome. We hoped to spread our experiences to other units and further improve the quality of care in the intensive care units.


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