

本報告乃因應國家衛生研究院所辦「我國醫事人力規劃與預測研討會」之進行, 由牙醫人力組成之委員及專家所完成之研究所得。於檢視我國有關牙科醫療人力成 長之背景與現況後,檢討在人口自然成長下,因社會、經濟、教育及醫療水準之提 高,以及對高齡人口及殘智障人口之照護需求增加之情況下,我國牙醫師人力成長 應有之趨勢與規劃。大體而言,我國人目前之口腔健康狀況尚不理想,牙醫師人力 之成長仍有空間,但為提高牙科醫療之水準及改善牙醫師之生活品質,牙醫人力成 長應朝訓練及使用輔助人員,加強牙醫師資的改良及走向專科醫師化之方向努力。


This report is based on the material submitted for the symposium on “Medical manpower regulation and prediction” organized by the National Health Research Institute in November 2000. The dental manpower team investigated the manpower situation in Taiwan following World War Ⅱ. It was found that factors such as the natural growth of population, increase of aged people, and improvements in social, economic, educational and medical indicators will lead to an increase in the demand for dental services over the next 10 to 20 years. The corresponding increase in dental service provided should be based on the improvement in service quality and efficiency rather than increases in dental school enrollments. Official recognition of specialists in dental community and the training and use of dental auxiliaries are essential elements in any planned improvements. The increase in the number of aged people and the care of mentally or physically handicapped patients requires more sophisticated and expensive management procedures. Future dental manpower planning must consider the training and management of such treatment. (Full text in Chinese)


