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The Correlation Between Candidate Personality Traits and Acceptance for Admission th Medical School by Recommendation


醫學系學生甄試入學試務工作目的在於篩選適合醫學專業領域具有多元特質之學生群,彌補聯招制度著重學科競試之傾向。過去關於推薦甄試文獻多在於探討甄試過程中學力測驗及面談可能之偏差對於甄試結果之影響。本研究之目的在於探討性格特質與甄試結果之關係。本研究針對1995年至2000年各年度台大醫學系甄試入學之候選學生共234名為對象,彙整其甄試入學時之人口學基本資料、口試成績、術科成績(生物及化學)、甄試結果(通過與否)、以及以Maudsley Personality Inventory (MPI) 為測量工具所得之性格特質資料,進行單變量及多變量分析。本研究結果顯示:以錄取與否做分組,化學、生物、以及口試成績錄取組顯著高於非錄取組。就MPI得分而言,外向傾向之總得分,以及其次向度中之團體性與領導性兩項,錄取組均顯著高於非錄取組。在多變量分析中,以 MPI建構所測得之性格因素中,神經質傾向並未影響甄試入學學生之甄試結果及口試成績,而屬於外向向度之領導性一項,對於口試成績具有顯著之預測力,但變異解釋量偏低,其原因可能為影響口試成績之因素眾多,或是對於人格之心理計量涵蓋面之問題,而口試成績對於錄取與否具有重要之影響力。本研究可視為過去甄試入學篩選方式同時效度之驗證,此外亦顯示口試能夠測得過去純粹以紙筆測驗所無法顯示之學生特質。


醫學系 甄試入學 面談 性格 心理計量


Selection of medical students using recommendation is aimed at recruiting those who fulfill the multidimensional requirements sought in this new era of medical practice and compensating for the extreme weighting on academic performance measured by joint written examinations. This study sought to examine the correlation between the selection outcomes of medical student candidates and their personality profiles. A total of 234 medical school candidates from 1995 to 2000 were included in the study. All candidates were selected primarily through joint written examinations and then commenced the selection processes that included academic performance tests (chemistry and biology) and interviews. In addition, each candidate completed a Maudsley Personality Inventory (MPI) as a measure of personality profile, with the interviewers being blinded to the scores during the selection period. There were 65 (27.8%) candidates admitted to the medical school. From univariate analysis, the total Extroversion score, as well as the “like parties” and “dominance” scores that were subdimensions of Extroversion, were significantly higher in the successful group of applicants. From multivariate analysis, total Neuroticism scores and all its subdimensions had no predictive power for the selection outcome and interview score, but dominance had significant predictive power on interview scores. Despite in a significant model, the variance of interviews score that dominance explained was low. The study partially confirmed the validity of the interview process that had been originally designed to explore the characteristics of medical school candidates that were not reflected by academic scores. Ethical issues relating to exclusion of candidates with neurotic traits were successfully avoided by the predetermined question, semi-structured interviews and well-trained interviewers. In the future, longitudinal follow-up to investigate the predictive power of selection variables including psychometric data should be performed to refine the selection mechanism and to assist the recruitment of the most appropriate students who will practice medicine holistically. (Full text in Chinese)


