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A Comparison of Medical Education Research in Taiwan and North America



醫學教育研究是檢驗及確保醫療品質的重要方法。本研究旨在比較台灣與北美醫學教育研究之現況,作者藉由比較最近四年台灣醫學教育雜誌(Journal of Medical Education, JME)以及美國醫學院協會之學術刊物Academic Medicine(AM)中原始論著之內容特性,以探討兩國醫學教育研究方法及重點之異同,以做為未來台灣醫學教育研究之參考。本研究共選取1997年3月至2000年12月JME以及AM雜誌,同月份之原始論著作為樣本,JME共有72篇,AM雜誌共有89篇。選取之原始論著內容,由醫學教育專家共同研擬分類方法以及紀錄方式。分類之大向度包括:1.論文之方法學;2.作者特性;以及3.研究主題等。分析結果顯示:論文之主要作者兩本雜誌都以醫師為主;就論文之研究對象而言,護理人員著於JME顯著多於AM,而主治醫師及經營者,AM顯著多於JME。在成效評估上,學生滿意度議題JME顯著多於AM,問題解決能力議題AM顯著多於JME。教學方法部份,整合型課程內容在JME顯著多於AM。綜觀歷史發展及本研究結果,未來台灣之醫學教育研究,應由基礎通識課程領域,拓展至臨床實務工作、以及臨床問題解決之教育研究。此外,標準化心理計量工具之開發使用,醫療專業人員的靈性及倫理概念、管理式醫療對醫療行為與醫學教育之影響、醫學教育策略研究、以及以一般民眾對於醫業以及醫學教育之看法,都是未來台灣醫學教育研究可行之方向。


Fundamentally, the purpose of medical education research is to assure the quality of medical practice. This study aimed to explore the differences in medical education research between Taiwan and the North America by comparing the contents of original articles in two leading journals on medical education, one published in Taiwan and the other in North America. The authors selected original articles published in the same months from March 1997 to December 2000 in the Journal of Medical Education published by the Council of Taiwan Medical School Deans and Academic Medicine, the official journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. Seventy-two articles in JME and eighty-nine articles in AM were chosen for analysis. For each article, the methodology, the main theme of the research and the characteristics of research were analyzed based on the consensus of the authors. With respect to the subjects of the consensus of the authors. With respect to the subjects of the research in the articles, the results showed significantly higher frequencies of attending physicians and administrators in AM and of nursing staff in JME. For the main the-me of study, JME placed significantly more stress on general education programs than AM. In outcome assessment, JME had more papers on student satisfaction and AM focused more on problem-solving ability. Owing to the development processes taking place locally in medical education, JME contained more studies on the development of integrated courses. For the future, the results suggest that the do-main of medical education research in Taiwan should extend out from basic medical science education into clinical medical education. More development of standardized testing instruments and of psychometrical analysis of medical research is also needed. Furthermore, it is believed that investigations of the impact of managed care on medical education together with research on the expectations of the general public are likely to be the developing trends for future research.


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