  • 期刊


A Study on Commercial Package Design of Dragon Boat Festival Gift Box in Taiwan




端午節 禮盒 銷售策略 包裝設計 習俗


This research aims specifically at the commercial package strategies of Dragon Boat Festival gift boxes, and investigates the characteristics of these boxes and the culture of gift-giving in Taiwan Take the analysis and induction of relative literatures as academic authority, and observing and collecting Dragon Boat Festival gift boxes is in order to realize the situation of visual design and marketing. Through field study, the study generalize, analyze and compare these boxes' packing material, style, color application, picture and packing strategy. This paper hopes improve the emphasis of Dragon Boat Festival gift boxes' packaging design, especially to Dragon Boat Festival gift boxes' industry and related experts. From the research result it is known that traditional homemade Dumplings being transformed into gift correspond to the gift-giving culture. It is keeping the relationship of people through the gift-giving. Among the versatile series of Dragon Boat gift boxes, it can show the image and different marketing of Dragon Boat Festival, and encourage customers memorized quickly and enhance its image. The packaging samples use color or pictures application through Dumpling or its symbol and relevant material. Communication the traditional prosperous and wishes packaging are secondary, especially, hotel's Dragon Boat Boxes. According the samples, Dumplings has displaced others traditional custom as the first image of Dragon Boat Festival. Recently, dumplings are emphasis on Dragon Boat Festival gift boxes. A lot of packaging style adopt simple and convenience shape or conform to Dragon Boat Festival, such as Bag-style giving-gift or weaves-basket. It correspond that government to promote the green packaging design in recent years.


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