  • 期刊


Cadmium Uptake and Growth Inhibition of Four Turfgrass Species Using Solution Cultural System




重金屬 水耕 草坪 乾重 葉綠素


Pollution of water and soil by heavy metals deposited in mining and industrial operations is an environmental problem in many areas in Taiwan. Four turfgrass species of common carpetgrass, centipedigrass, tall fescue, and perennial ryegrass will be screened by using solution cultural method in this study. Four levels of treatment, including 0, 0.5 mM, 1.0 mM and 1.5 mM of Cadium chloride (CdCl2) were treated o the plants that contained of 3 fully expanded leaves for 12 days. From the results we found that the plant dry weight, water capacity of leaf, and chlorophyll a and b ,were decreased by increased of CdCl2 concentrations. Tall fescue showed the best performance under 1.5 mM of CdCl2 treated environment. Reversely, common carpetgrass showed the worst performance under this high level of CdCl2 treated environment. However, we found that the Cd accumulation in plants was increased by the increased of CdCl2 concentrations. The Cd was accumulated on root portions better than shoot portions mostly. Common carpetgrass absorbed the most Cd metal in a short period of time compared to the other species. The authors think that the tolerance of turfgrass species to Cd metal was due to both species variation and plant growth habit.
