  • 期刊


The Study of Factors Affecting the Need for Manpower: Mediating Effects of Manpower Utilization-The Case of High-Tech Industry





The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationships among organization factor, manpower utilization and the need for manpower. This study used questionnaire survey for the personnel manager from the samples of integrated circuit industry, optical electric industry, computer industry, communication industry. Out of the 221 questionnaires mailed, 52 of them were eligible. Major findings indicated that: organization age, size, business strategy, and environment dynamic have significant effects on the ratios of the college, bachelor, master and Ph.D. graduates ; organizational age, business strategy, size have significant effects on the turnover rate; business strategy has significant effect on the employment satisfaction and employment success; manpower utilization of the collage, master and Ph.D. graduates mediated the relationships between organization factor and the future need for manpower.


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