  • 期刊


A Study of the Attitude toward Organ Transplant Ethics and Donation among Nurses


目的 本研究在於了解護理人員對器官移植倫理與勸募態度之實際情形,並分析探討其相關主要影響因素。 方法 採取調查研究怯,於民國93年6月至93年12月間藉由自編結構式問卷收集相關資料,以統計分析與假設檢定了解護理人員之態度現況。完訪之有效問卷為887份。 結果 護理人員對器官移植倫理,以「自主原則」最高,其次為「家屬原則」,再其次為「醫療目的原則」。器官移植勸募態度方面,對於「接受度」、「捐贈意願」及「支持度」都高於平均數。器官勸募原則方面,以「專人原則」及「團隊原則」為最高,而「主動原則」為最低。交叉分析發現,捐血習慣及填寫器捐卡是影響態度的重要相關性因子,而預測參與勸募意願以「支持度」、「接受度」、「自然原則」及「醫療目的原則」為主要變項。 結論 研究顯示護理人員,對於器官移植倫理偏向以個人的自主意願為最主要考量,但在傳統文化影響下對於家屬的意見仍是保持相當程度的支持態度,所以對於有利於器官移植病人的利益考量就顯得相對薄弱。而勸募方式方面也偏好專人及團體方式,顯現出護理人員普遍的消極性及依賴性。著眼於制度面及實務面的思考,本研究建議政府應參考修法制定推定同意制(presumed consent)、參考捐血運動成立器官捐贈協會加強宣導、而各醫院宜加強護理人員宣導教育與積極規劃及訓練勸募團隊。


Purpose. This study aimed to evaluate the attitude of nursing staff toward organ transplant ethics and organ donation practice in task situations, as well as to analyze related influencing factors. Methods This research was conducted from June to December 2004. Selected interval level structured questionnaires were administered to 887 nurses in order to collect data regarding their attitude toward organ transplant ethics and organ donation. The data were analyzed by t test, ANOVA and step-wise regression. Results. We found that the ”autonomy principle” was the most important factor, followed by the ”family principle” and the ”medical purpose principle”. In the cross-analysis, blood donation habits and registered organ transplant cards were important influencing attitude factors for organ transplant ethics (p<0.05) and donation behavior (p<0.001); moreover, ”support” (p<0.001), ”acceptability” (p<0.001), ”nature principle” (p<0.001) and ”medical purpose principle” (p<0.05) were the four variables which could predict the willingness of medical teams participating in donation. Conclusions. Nurses in Taiwan regard patients' individual autonomy to be the most important consideration in organ transplant donation. However, nurses also feel that the opinion of the donor's family is an important consideration. The study showed that the majority of nurses consider the donor's wishes to be more important than the patients' needs. We believe that the government should consider amending laws regarding presumed consent and increase promulgation of the organ transplant donation concept. Hospitals should increase education programs to promote organ transplant and donation awareness among nurses.


