  • 期刊


Re-Conceptualizing Teaching Methods-A Narrative Approach




敘事教學 學校實踐


In the world of public schooling we rarely hear the voices of the most essential players: students and teachers. They are often mere shadows, as other people define their roles for them, describe them and make what amounts to very definitive interpretations about their natures without actually having seen the students or teachers who cast those shadows.In many schools we are preoccupied with the formal criteria of ”performance” and with the bureaucratic demands of education as an institution. In doing so, we have neglected the personal side of education. ”Teaching experts” come from outside, and it is now time to re-think, reflect, evaluate, and modify our work.Metaphorically speaking, narrative should be viewed as a map, which allows one to see the layout of the terrain from above, so that mountains can be seen as bounded rather than insurmountable obstacles, and valleys can be seen as finite rather than as inescapable chasms. It is certainly true that numerous and various landscapes of teaching have come into much clearer view through the assistance of a narrative strategy.The mode of narrative thinking and feeling helps children and teachers create a new vision of the world, a world, with which they are intimately connected. Education is not simply a technical matter of information process managing, nor one of using ”learning theories” or the ”subject achievement testing”. It is a complex pursuit of linking a culture to its society.Through narrative we get a new concept in teaching practice.


Narrative teaching school practice


Akin, R.,Noon Lyons,Vicki Kubler LaBoskey(ed.)(2002).Narrative inquiry in practice: Advancing the knowledge of teaching.N. Y.:Teacher College Press.
Berger A. A.(1997).Narrative in popular culture media and everyday life.London:SAGE Publication.
Bettelheim, B.(1976).The uses of enchantmenet: The meaning and importance of fairy tales.New York:Knopf.
Bruner, J.(1996).The culture of education.London:Harvard University Press.
Connelly, F.M.,Clandinin, D. J.(2000).Narrative Inquiry: Experience and story in qualitative research.San Francisco:Jossey-Bass Publishers.


