  • 期刊


The Curriculum Practice "Meeting with Captain Lin" through Narrative Inquiry: An Example from a Teacher's Self-Made Instruction Film on Ocean


小柳老師發現基隆海洋家鄉學生,無法從教科書收錄教材了解討海人的生活、壯闊海洋予人的生命啟示等。與林福蔭船長相遇,感受其人生故事的坎坷不凡、討海的生活智慧、生命的多樣寬闊,觸動她向來想改變海洋主題教材不足的教育夢想。她決定拍攝海洋教學影片,以藝術創作形式,紀錄林船長的海洋詩畫人生故事,她帶領小學生接觸船長、親近海洋,讓學生的生活經驗與海洋連結,為鄉土認同亮起一盞燈。築夢途中,遇到拍攝與創作困難,可以脆弱,可以暫停,但滾動的夢想不願停歇。幾年來,我一路相陪,給予商量和支持。我陪著她走過創作幽谷,共同解決影片創作歷程與教學實施過程中的各種問題。本文從「敘說探究」(narrative inquiry)與「詮釋現象學」(hermeneutic phenomenology)的觀點,描述大學教師引導小學老師攝製海洋教學影片創作過程中的挫折、困頓,以及人與人之間的真情相遇。我嘗試將這些素材做厚實的描述(thick descriptions),從看似微小不起眼的細節中,留心找尋經驗本質背後隱藏的教育意義。


Teacher Shiaw-liou once discovered that students, who lived around their hometown in Keelung, were unable to understand, by using of existed materials for their learning, where the seamen live with their inspiring wisdom through the vast ocean. When she met captain Fu-yin Lin, she felt that his extraordinary life story, filled with wisdom of life and manifestation of the infinity of life, could be the teaching materials in her classroom. She decided to make an ocean instructive documentary film by recording the story of the poet and painter Captain Lin. She took her students from the school to Lin's place, to guide them to be familiar with the ocean culture. She helped connect students' experience with ocean, and freshed them with an identification towards their home town. During the years of difficulties and frustrations in making the film, she received the researcher's companionship with consultations and supports continuously, escorting her to walk through the deep valley of creating, and finally, various problems got solved. The researcher attempts to make thick descriptions through all the difficulties and supports to carefully discover possible hidden educational meanings, which has been described in detail in the paper.


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