  • 期刊


The Mechanism and Effect of Sarcopenia in Elderly


老年人罹患肌肉減少症 (Sarcopenia)的原因,乃是因為年紀的增加造成老化,其發生跌倒的機率相對較年輕族群高。代謝適能不良、胰島素的敏感度下降、發炎物質的分泌或疾病皆與肌肉減少症息息相關,並且長期下來會增加肌肉的流失及肌肉適能衰退,老年生活品質變差、獨立生活的能力受阻及身體活動範圍受限,另外,對於社會的醫療照護成本也是一大負擔。本篇綜論將探討老化肌肉量流失原因以及對老人的負面影響與相關指標,以供擬定增加或維持高齡者肌肉量方法之參考。


Aging is the major cause of sarcopenia, which explains to some extent the higher risk of falling in elderly compared with young people. Greater incidence of metabolic disorder, insulin resistance, and chronic inflammation in elderly is also closely associated with sarcopenia. Long-term reduction in muscle mass directly decreases physical performance, which in turn affects quality of life and physical independence on daily activity. These outcomes implicate a significant amount of medical burden of the society. This paper reviews the current knowledge regarding the mechanism and the clinical outcome of muscle loss during aging process. Recommended intervention aimed to attenuate the age-dependent sarcopenia are also described.


aging insulin resistance inflammation muscle mass


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