  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience of Assisting a Family Going through Grief


本文描述一位面臨喪偶哀傷反應個案的家庭護理經驗,協助家庭整合內、外在資源度過哀傷過程。護理期間自2011年7月14日至2011年9月10日。筆者以Friedman(2003)的家庭評估模式(Family Assessment Model)運用觀察、會談技巧收集家庭基本資料、發展階段及任務、環境、結構、功能及壓力因應等資料,結果發現案家有哀傷功能失常之健康問題,個案有睡眠型態紊亂問題。筆者透過持續性關慎,運用同理心、接納及傾聽等技巧與案家建立信任關係,藉由「為天堂的爸爸祈褔」鼓勵案家學習情感表達,以強化家庭內在溝通、關懷功能。另一方面運用家庭外在社會支持系統,幫助個案渡過喪偶之哀傷過程。本文可供社區護理人員瞭解喪偶婦女及家庭之哀傷、孤寂感受,藉由提供家庭相關照護,協助家庭回復規律生活。


哀傷 家庭護理


This study describes a nursing experience of helping a widow experiencing severe grief and going through the process of integrating internal and external resources to cope with bereavement. The nursing period was from July 14 to September 10, 2011. The author applied Friedman's Family Assessment Model for data analysis. Through careful observation and interviews, data were collected and included the family's demographics, developmental stage with task, living environment, family structure and function and family stress. The identified case problem included dysfunctional grief and a disturbed sleeping pattern. The author implemented the following nursing intervention: constant caring with empathy, acceptance and active listening to establish a trusting relationship. The family was encouraged to express their feelings, enhance internal communication, and care by pray for blessings to God in the heaven. Through an external social support system, the case was able to go through a proper grieving process. This study provides a guide for caring for the patient family's bereavement after they lose a loved one, including how to understand their feelings of grief and loneness and to offer family-relevant care to assist their return regular life.


Grief family nursing
