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Associations between Parental Role Identity and Coparenting


本研究目的在於探討父母角色認同與共親職的關係。父母角色認同包括親職角色負向知覺、知覺親職能力評估二個面向,親職角色負向知覺指的是父母對作為父母的負向知覺;知覺親職能力評估指的是父母知覺到配偶評估其親職能力勝任的程度。共親職亦包括二個面向,一為教養聯盟,指的是知覺配偶對其教養的支持或抵制,另一為親職參與,指的是照顧教養子女事務以及親子互動時間。 本研究對象為居住於大台北地區家有5至6歲學前兒童的父母,共計744對。綜合本研究角色認同與共親職關係的結果發現,從親職角色負向知覺、知覺親職能力評估和教養聯盟的關係來看,不論父親或母親,父母親職角色負向知覺會減少父母知覺配偶的支持,以及增加父母知覺配偶的抵制,相對的,父母知覺到配偶認為其親職能力足以勝任,則會增加父母知覺配偶的支持,減少父母知覺配偶的抵制。此外,不論父親或母親,親職角色負向知覺會使父母減少其親職分工的參與,但父母知覺到配偶評估其親職能力足以勝任,父母參與照顧教養子女事務以及親子互動時間會增加。再者,有關教養聯盟和親職參與的關聯,不論父親或母親,知覺配偶的支持,會增加親職分工以及親子互動的時間。但是知覺母親的抵制對於父親的親職分工以及親子互動的時間沒有顯著的效果,在母親方面,知覺父親的抵制對於母親的親子互動的時間沒有顯著的效果,然而有趣的是對於親職分工卻有顯著正向效果。


The main aim of the present study was to examine the associations between parental role identity and coparenting. Two aspects of parental role identity were ”parental negative role perception” and ”perception of spousal evaluation of parenting ability”. ”Parental negative role perception” meant that parents perceived their role as a parent negatively. ”Perception of spousal evaluation of parenting ability” meant parents perceived how their spouses evaluated their parenting abilities. Two aspects of coparenting were ”parenting alliance” and ”parental involvement”. ”Parenting alliance” indicated to what extent that parents perceived support or undermining from spouses. ”Parental involvement” included parents' child-care labor division and time for parent-child interaction. The subjects were 744 pairs of parents with children of ages 5 to 6. Results showed that, first of all, concerning the associations between parental role identity and parenting alliance, parental negative role perception decreased supportive parenting alliance and increased undermining parenting alliance for both fathers and mothers. In addition, parents' perception of spousal positive evaluation of parenting ability increased supportive parenting alliance and decreased undermining parenting alliance. Secondly, concerning the associations between parental role identity and parental involvement, parental negative role perception decreased parental labor division, but parents’ perception of spousal positive evaluation of parenting ability increased parental labor division and parent-child interaction. Finally, as for the associations between parenting alliance and parental involvement, supportive parenting alliance increased parental labor division and parent-child interaction. But for fathers, undermining parenting alliance had no significant effect on paternal involvement. However, for mothers, undermining parenting alliance had significant positive effect on maternal labor division.


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