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The Power Dynamics between Social Workers and Service Users


權力雖然充斥於社會工作專業關係各個層面,且深刻地影響著專業關係的建立、服務的提供、與社會正義的實踐與否,然而長久以來社工界在討論專業關係議題時,較少從權力的角度出發。為了讓社會工作專業關係的權力議題可得到深刻且廣泛的討論,本文先就社會工作權力來源-機構的資源、專家知識、人際間的權力、及法定權力進行探討。接下來就社會工作專業關係中,對於實在的建構、與服務對象的對話、社會工作者如何於工作過程進行各種評估及處遇決定、以及如何將社會工作者的所見所聞所思撰寫成種種記錄與表格,詳細地檢視權力於專業關係中運作的方式,與對社會工作者和服務對象帶來的影響。 專業的發展需要與時俱進,創新與變革是專業實踐不可或缺的要素,社會工作者在努力追求專業化與不斷拓展工作領域,並得到更多法定權力的時刻,我們更需謹慎地看待我們與服務對象之間的權力議題,否則我們極可能強化了我們權力,卻不再聽見服務對象的聲音,離他們遠去。


專業關係 權力 實在 對話 記錄


The power issue permeates all levels of the social work profession among its professionals and service users whom they serve. It profoundly influences the quality of service and ultimate the fulfillment of social justice. Unfortunately, the practitioners and scholars of the field rarely examine the influences of power. This article intends to bring forth the discussions on power and its impacts on a broader and deeper level by firstly identifying its sources-the institutional resources, knowledge of the professionals, interpersonal relationships and power legitimized by laws; secondly, by discussing the construction of realities of social workers and their service users, the dialogue between them, social workers' various assessments in defining problems, methods of intervention, outcome evaluation, etc. This will allow the exploration of the use of power of social workers and its impact to the use of power of social services to go deeper. The development of the pkoprofession is constant. Innovations and changes are vital to the success of the social work profession. In the process, its power has been greatly increased and legitimized by laws. The profession must be cautious and great care must be taken in lieu of the power issue while serving its service users as there is the danger that the profession can be deaf to the needs of its service users, thus push away the voice of need for help.


professional relationship power reality dialogue record


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