  • 期刊


Preliminary Study on Chang Shings "DuIu Yenyi"


宋代研究杜詩者林立,亦有極大成就,元代遂另闢路徑,從「批點」入手,其作法有三:探求詩格,講求詩法,直解詩意。因此,自元代以降,研究杜詩之面向更顯廣闊。張性《杜律演義》為直解詩意之代表,除此之外又能兼論詩格、詩法,雖僅批注杜甫七律之作品,但內容之豐富,堪稱元代研究杜詩較完備之作。《杜律演義》在刻印不久後,即遭嫁名,誤為虞集所作,謬傳《杜律虞註》一書。幸明代有不少學者考據證實乃出自張性之手。本文首先於前言部分,對張性此書釋名,即「杜律」、「演義」之探究,再考定《杜律演義》的作者問題,並與《杜律虞註》作一對比,以證虞註本質出張性之手而被刪改。其次,分析《杜律演義》之體例,其書以事類編目為自錄,在批注方面,分內註與外註, 內註主要用以釋典故、明名物與注釋詞義;外註則說明詩篇立意、賞析意境,分析句法,閻明句意及校正之內容。以上體例,條理分明,釋意精詳,更能指出註家之誤而有所立,極為可貴,最後分析張性注杜之成就不日缺失之處,並與王維禎《杜律頗解》、劭傳《杜律集解》與仇兆鱉《杜詩詳註》等書對照,發現不管在形式或是內容上,均有所承襲。故由以上諸多角度的探討,得以確定此書之價值與地位。


杜甫 批注 張性 虞註 演義 杜律演義


Numerous scholars in the Sung dynasty had dug into Du's poetry and achieved great success in the meantime. Therefore, scholars, since the Yuan dynasty, managed to find another aspect to possess a better understanding of Du's poetry. Starting from "批點", they had three methods of doing so, which are exploration on the poeticizing rules, focus on the rules of poetry writing, and direct interpretation of the meaning of the poetry. Thus, from the Yuan dynasty on, there has been a wider perspective on looking into Du's poetry. Chang Shing's "Dulu Yanyi" 《杜律演義》 "Notes' of Du's Regulated Verses" did best in the field of direct interpretation of Du's poetry. Besides that, it also worked on the poeticizing rules and rules of poetry writing. Even though it only noted Du Fu's works of Chilli (七律"regular verses with seven syllables per verse"), it served abundant content and is worth being called the better complete work on Du's poetry in the Yuan dynasty. Soon after the stencil of Chang Shing's "Dulu Yanyi" was finished, "Dulu Yanyi" was falsely considered that it was written by Yu Chi 虞集. It was wrongly named "Dulu YuChu" 《杜律虞註》 "Yu's notes of Du's poetry." Thanks to quite a few scholars in the Ming Dynasty who conducted the textual research and proved that it was actually inscribed by Chang Shing. This paper first explains the title of this work, that is, it discusses "Dulu" 杜律 and "Yanyi" 演義 respectively in the introduction. In addition, in order to prove that "Dulu YuChu" was actually written by Chang Shing in spite of some changes and deletion, the introduction analyzes the concern over the author of "Dulu Yanyi" with the reference to "Dulu Yl1Chu".Besides, this paper analyzes the structure of "Dulu Yanyi". "Dulu Yanyt" adopts cataloging for its table of contents, and the notes are divided into two categories as internal ones and external ones. The internal notes are used to tell the anecdote behind, clarify certain names or titles, and note down terms and phrases; the external notes shed light on the purpose of the poems, show appreciation for the significance built in the poems, analyze the syntax, make clear the denotation and connotation of the sentences, and proofread its content. Embracing well-constructed structure and explicit notes as well as being able to successfully point out the faults those scholars who used to note made, "Dulu Yanyi" is theref; "re highly valued. Finally, this paper scrutinizes Chang Shing's achievement and failure in noting Du Fu's poetry. Compared with Wang Wei-chen's "Dulu Pochie" 《杜律頗解》 "Approximate Notes of Du's Regulated Verses," Shou Chuan's "Dulu Chichie" 《杜律集解》, and Chou Chou-ao's "Dushi SiangChu" 《杜詩詳註》 "Detailed notes of Du's poetry," and etc, "Dulu Yanyi" is considered to inherit somewhat in the formality and content. In short, "Dulu Yanyi" is affirmed its value and the status through the discussions mentioned above from several aspects.


Du Fu Note Chang Shing YiiChu Yanyi "Dulu Yanyi"


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