  • 期刊


The Effects of Exercise in Health Promotion for Frail Older Adults





衰弱 老年人 運動 健康促進


With the rapid aging of socio-demographic structure, ”frailty” has become the particularly important health issue in geriatric medicine. Physical frailty is a syndrome characterized by declines in multiple physiological domains, including muscle mass and strength, flexibility, balance and neuromuscular coordination, and cardiopulmonary function. Frailty is a complex health state, associated with adverse outcomes such as: disability, morbidity, falls, hospitalization, institutionalization and death, and further increases the burden of society and medical treatment. From the viewpoint of preventive medicine, how to maintain or improve the health of older adults, and delay the disability resulted from physical function decline by exercise intervention is the main role played by physical therapy in the long term care system. This article reviewed the relevant evidence-based medical researchers to discuss the effect of exercise intervention in health promotion for community-dwelling or institutionalized older adults. The result showed that multicomponent, functional-oriented exercise programs (progressive resistance exercise, aerobic exercise, stretch exercise and balance training) can increase the muscle strength, cardiopulmonary fitness and physical function performance, and reduce adverse outcomes for older adults with different frail levels. However, it is still need further studies to investigate the optimal training dose for different exercise types and then to develop specific clinical exercise training guidelines. It is expected to help health care clinicians provide frailty prevention and effect intervention to achieve the social goal of active aging.


frailty older adults exercise health promotion


謝玉萍、邱金快、王淑美、陳俐樺、溫玉仁(2021)。舒適老人心、銀髮新人生 高齡住院病人衰弱評估及防跌改善方案健康促進研究與實務4(1),161-168。https://doi.org/10.29442/HPRP.202101_4(1).0024
