  • 期刊


The Study of Food & Beverage Culture and Health Perspectives in Taiwanese Proverbs


本研究以收集臺灣閩南語飲食類諺語為研究範圍,研究目的為:(1)了解臺灣閩南語諺語中的飲食文化與所隱含之健康觀;(2)探討臺灣閩南族群之傳統飲食文化產生的健康影響;(3)檢視閩南語諺語中所表達的健康觀和現代健康觀念的符合性。 本研究採質性研究方法,收集閩南語飲食諺語書籍作為研究工具,進行分類與分析。結果發現諺語中的飲食文化與健康較有關聯者,可分為飲食價值觀、飲食習慣、飲食種類、地方小吃與名產、年節與婚喪喜慶習俗、冬令進補與文化禁忌等六大類。並且大多不符合現代飲食健康原則。而諺語中表達的健康觀可分為人類學層面之健康觀、營養醫學健康觀和傳統健康觀。並且以營養醫學健康觀較為符合現今飲食健康原則。


As food and beverage affect health a lot, the purposes of this research would be: (1) to understand the culture accents in the proverbs of Min Nan race in Taiwan through gathering the Taiwanese eating proverbs and analyzing the perspectives of diet health; (2) to refer the related diet and health study reports, and explore the affects of traditional diet culture on health in these Taiwanese proverbs; (3) to compare the traditional health perspectives in these Taiwanese proverbs with modern health perspectives. This study was based on the qualitative method by gathering, categorizing and analyzing these Taiwanese-culture related proverbs. The results of this study had the conclusion that the diet culture found in these proverbs could be assorted into six values of eating: eating habits, types of food, special occasions, local special treats, nourishing food in winter, and diet taboos. These culture accents did not meet with the modern health principles mainly. The health perspectives in these proverbs could be concluded to anthropology, nutrition medicine, and traditional health perspectives. Among these, the health perspectives of nutrition-medicine did mostly meet with modern health principles, but people in our nation could not live up to; the traditional health perspectives were not completely correct, but still influence the diet habits of people in our nation.


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