  • 期刊

Frequency and Type of Medical Emergencies at the International Airport



目的:評估國際機場緊急醫療處理能力之適切性與使用情形。 方法:我們審閱中正國際機場在2002年2月至2003年1月間的緊急醫療記錄,包括發生時間、地點、病患基本資料、主訴及診斷等。 結果:共有420件緊急醫療事件被納入研究分析中。個案在性別部分沒有差異,平均年齡為39.5歲,最常發生醫療事件時段為18:00~24:00(38.8%),最常發生地點則是在出入境大廳(58.1%);最常發生的醫療事件依序為腸胃道症狀(22.9%)、創傷(15.2%)及呼吸症狀(15.0%),絕大多數創傷在登機或傳遞行李時發生。將近有1/3(31.7%)的病患需要被轉送至其他醫院作進一步處置,其中12.8%為急性中風;在研究期間共有6個嚴重個案(其中3人死亡),發生原因包括急性心肌梗塞及急性呼吸衰竭。 結論:在我們的研究當中,較嚴重的緊急醫療事件發生率約佔所有個案7.6%,我們建議在機場醫療中心能採用快速的醫療專用穿梭車,以降低緊急醫療事件的反應時間,而相關研究資料可供其他國際機場建立緊急醫療系統的參考。


Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the utilization levels and adequacy of the emergency medical facility at the international airport. Methods: The outreach emergency medical records of Chiang Kai Shek International Airport from February 2002 through January 2003 were reviewed. Salient details with respect to the time, chief complaints, location, diagnoses and personal profiles of the patients were recorded. Results: A total of 420 medical emergencies were included in the study. Gender distribution was almost equal. The average age of the travelers treated was 39.5 years. Most of the medical events occurred between 18:00 and 24:00 hours (38.8%). and the most common location was the boarding gate (58.1%). Gastrointestinal conditions (22.9%), traumas (15.2%), and respiratory distress (15.0%) were the three prevailing medical emergencies. Most of the accidents causing trauma occurred when disembarking from a plane or during luggage delivery. One third (31.7%) of the patients had to be referred to a hospital for further treatment. Of these, 12.8% were due to acute cerebrovascular accidents. There were six critical cases (three died), including acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and acute respiratory failure. Conclusion: Severe medical emergencies occurred in 7.6% of our study cases. We recommend that a fast medical shuttle is available to shorten the response time. The findings of this stud may be useful for planning emergency medical facilities at international airports.


emergency airport medical facility
