  • 期刊


A Project to Improve Nutritional Status for Tube-Fed Residents in a Long-term Care Facility




養護機構 住民 營養 專案


With changes in family structure, the burden of care for fragile elders is now being transferred from family to long-term care facilities. However, nutrition among elderly residents is an ongoing care problem. According to current data analysis, reasons related to malnutrition among elderly residents were 1).Providers had inadequate knowledge, at only 48.6 points, and received no education training. 2).Nutrition formulas were not individualized. 3).Tube feeding procedures were not standardized. 4).Nutritional status was not monitored regularly. After implementing 1) an educational training program, 2) inviting a nutritionist to participate in this project, 3) developing tube feeding procedure standards, and 4) establishing a regular nutritional status monitoring, the knowledge level of providers increased to an average of 70 points and the mean of albumin increased from 3.5g/dl to 3.7g/dl. The aims of this project were achieved. Meanwhile, since the establishment of monitoring system in May of 2005, this project has not only increases the nutritional status of fragile residents, but has also improved the awareness of providers in looking after residents' nutrition.


Long-term care facility Residents Nutrition Project
