  • 期刊


Reliability of Hand-Held Dynamometer in Assessment of Lower Extremity Strength in Healthy Subjects


背景與目的:病患之肌力對於物理治療師而言為一重要指標,是一種評估及檢視治療效果的工具。臨床上物理治療師多用徒手肌力測試評量病患肌力情況,然而徒手肌力測試無法提供客觀數值,且對於肌力變化之敏感度不足。手握式測力器則恰可補足臨床上徒手肌力測試之不足“現今手握式測力器被廣泛使用在不同族群,然而其施測方式與姿勢卻與臨床常用徒手肌力測試有所不同。爰此,本研究之目的係探討手握式測力器於臨床物理治療師慣用之肌力測試姿勢下量測健康族群下肢肌力之再測信度。方法:本研究以方便採樣共15位健康受試者(8位男性,7位女性)。由一位治療師使用手握式測力器以Break測試方式針對下肢六種肌群進行肌力測試。每腳測試三次,雙腳輪流,同一腳中間間隔30秒。結果:除了右邊的髖伸直動作之同一測試者再測信度之級內相關係數(Intraclass correlation coefficient,簡稱ICC)為0.60,屬於中等信度以外。其餘所有肌群之ICC值均≧0.76,屬於高信度。結論:使用手握式測力器於本研究所提供之測試方法與姿勢下施測健康受試者六種肌群肌力,可達到中等至高等之同一測試者再測信度。未來仍需進一步臨床實驗以證實本研究方法施用於不同族群之信效度。


Background and purpose: Muscle strength is an important index for physical therapists to evaluate on patients. To be able to accurately and quantitatively measure the muscle strength is essential. The purpose of this study was to determine the reliabilities of a hand-held dynamometer in measuring lower extremity muscle strength for normal subjects under specific positions. Method: A convenient sample of 8 males and 7 females was tested using a Power Track II Commander hand-held dynamometer. Muscle strength of 6 groups of muscle was examined with ”Break method”. Results: Intra-rater reliability coefficients were≥0.76 for all muscle groups, except for the dominant hip extensors (ICC1, 1=0.60). The reliabilities were considered to be moderate to excellent. Conclusion: The testing protocol provided in this study seemed to be reliable. Further studies were warranted to determine the inter-rater reliability and validity of these measures in different populations.
