  • 期刊


Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of the "Behavior Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire-2"


背景與目的:運動動機是決定能否長期維持規律運動行為的關鍵因素,但國內欠缺適用於一般民眾的運動動機量測工具。本研究目的在於翻譯“運動行為調節問卷”(BREQ-2)中文版,並驗證此中文版問卷之信度與效度方法:經取得“運動行為調節問卷”原版作者同意後將開卷翻譯為中文版,參酌專家意見與試用者意見、反譯回英文版寄交原作者確認,完成中文版運動行為調節問卷。以方便取樣方式收取155名個案,進行本問卷模式適配度檢測及內部一致性檢定。其中42名(個案並同時填答“國民健康局一趴趴熊不活動成癮總量表”及“跨理論模式行為改變階段”,以進行本問卷之效標效度檢測。38名個案於一週後再度填答,進行本問卷之再測信度檢測。結果:“驗證性因素分析”結果顯示本問卷具有可接受的模式適配度(χ^2=192.4,X^2/df=1.36,GFI=0.895,CFI=0.962,RMSEA=0.048,PNFI=0.724)。量表各面向Cronbach's a介於O.71-0.91,象徵良好的內部一致性。與趴趴熊問卷不活動成癮量表相關係數為p=-0.454(p=0.003);自填有規律運動者BREQ-2得分(47.3±14.3分)顯著比沒有規律運動者高(28.7±21.0分)(p=0.002)。組內相關係數介於0.76-0.94顯示再測信度良好。結論:本研究驗證中文版BREQ-2具有良好的信度與效度,且適用於國內一般民眾之運動動機量測,可做為國內研究運動動機或評估運動介入成效的測量工具。


運動行為調節 中文版 信度 效度


Background and Objectives: Motivation is the key determinant for long-term participation of regular physical activity. However, a validated instrument to appropriately measure exercise motivation or behavior regulation in Chinese population is lacking. This study aimed to translate the Behavior Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire-2 (BREQ-2) into Chinese version and examine its goodness-of-fit, validity, and reliability. Methods: The BREQ-2 was initially translated into the first Chinese version after getting approval of the original developer. Wording was modified according to recommendations of three experts and 12 pilot subjects. This modified Chinese version was translated back into English by an independent translator to check its equivalence to the original English version. One hundred and fifty-five convenient samples of various age groups were recruited to complete the Chinese BREQ-2 and being used to test the goodness-of-fit and intern al consistency of this questionnaire. Of those, 42 subject s completed a ”Physical Inactivity Scale” and the ”trans-theoretical model of behavior change” concurrently to test its criterion-related validity: while 38 subjects were repeatedly measured after one week for examining its test-retest reliability. Results: Findings of confirmatory factor analysis (C FA) revealed a significant test statistic (X^2= 192.4. X^2/df = 1.36. GFI=0.895, CFI=0.962, RMSEA=0.048. PNFI=0.724), which demonstrated the adequate goodness-of-fit of this questionnaire. Cronbach's alpha in each domain was between 0.71 and 0.91 which reflected its good internal consistency. It was also found that the Chinese BREQ-2 was negatively correlated with the ”Physical Inactivity Scale” (p =-0.454.1, p=0.003), while subjects who reported exercise regularly scored higher in Chinese BREQ-2 than their counterparts (47.3± 14.3 vs. 28.7± 21.0, p=0.002). Interclass correlation coefficients ranged from 0.76 to 0.94 which demonstrated its acceptable test-retest reliability. Conclusion: The Chinese version of BREQ-2 was demonstrated to be a reliable and valid instrument to assess behavior regulation in exercise participation for general Chinese population. This instrument could be applied to future surveys or intervention al studies regarding regular exercise participation among a variety of population groups.


