  • 期刊


Application of the Brief ICF C re Set for Low Back Pain in Physical Therapy Practice-A Case Report


世界衛生組織提出國際健康功能與身心障礙分類系統(International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health, ICF)。在ICF 的架構裡,個人健康狀態的定義包含對身體功能、身體結構、活動與參與,以及環境與個人因子等四大面向之評估與面向間交互影響之觀察的整體結果。ICF以其完整架構與統一的語吉系統來描述人類健康與健康相關功能,期待能達成國際間、各專業間、臨床工作或研究上無礙的溝通。歷經10年來的推廣,臨床上的運用並不普及,可能是總數超過1400項的ICF編碼所堆成的高門檻。ICF核心編碼組的概念是找出描述某一相關診斷的必要編碼組,簡化ICF系統,期能將ICF系統落實運用於臨床。本篇報告以一個下背痛患者的評估與治療為例,運用ICF簡短版與精簡版ICF下背痛核心編碼為組,分析病人之症狀與臨床徵候做為評估方式,以之為治療計畫制訂之方向與評估治療成果之依據。文中並討論兩個核心編碼組於下背痛物理治療臨床運用之優點與缺點。


The World Health Organization has developed the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). The framework of ICF includes the domains of body functions and structures, as well as activities and participation, and the influence of personal and social factors. Under the ICF framework and universal language system, ICF represents an identical system to facilitate the communication and comparison across studies, clinical settings, systems and countries. However the ICF system is not popular using in clinical setting. This article introduces the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, and to illustrate the application of the ICF core sets for low back pain in the context of clinical practice with a case report. The strengths and weaknesses of the assessment based on the brief ICF core sets were discussed.


ICF Low back pain
