  • 期刊


Comparison of Center of Mass Displacement and Velocity Error of Artistic Gymnastic Movements Measured with Different Anthropometric Approaches


本研究主要目的是透過影片分析法,運用林耀輝選手個人化人體肢段模式計算出之身體重心位移、速度 作為效標,比較不同人體肢段模式的誤差。實驗以一台 JVC 攝影機 (60 Hz) 記錄林耀輝選手完成動作的過程, 運用 APAS 運動影像分析系統,輸入七種人體肢段模式之參數,得出身體重心位移及速度等運動學參數數據, 並透過相依樣本 t 考驗及估計標準誤,來檢視不同人體肢段模式之間的差異。研究結果顯示:Dempster 屍體 法模式、Clauser 迴歸公式法模式及 Zatsiorsky γ 射線法模式等三種人體肢段模式與個人化模式相較之下,在 位移及速度等部分皆達到顯著差異 (*p < .05),除此之外,上述三者在位移、速度兩方面亦有較大的估計標 準誤數值,而鄭秀媛 CT 法模式、何維華 MRI 法模式及鄭誠功 MRI 法模式與個人化模式相較之下誤差較小。 研究者建議今後在從事男子競技體操研究時應當運用男子競技體操選手人體肢段模式的參數來從事分析,如 無其他適當人體肢段模式時,以中國青年人(鄭秀媛 CT 法模式)及臺灣青年人(何維華 MRI 法模式、鄭誠 功 MRI 法模式)為研究對象的人體肢段模式較適用於男子競技體操研究上。


The main purpose of this study was to compare the deviation of human segment center of gravity displacement and velocity in different models of human body segment parameters through video analysis. All human movements in our study were videotaped by JVC camera (60 Hz) and analyzed through the APAS video-based motion analysis system for seven different human segment models. The collected kinematic parameters (center of gravity displacement and velocity) were analyzed by using dependent sample t test and the estimated standard errors to examine the difference of seven segment models. The results showed that Dempster model, Clauser model, Zatsiorsky model had significant (p<.05) difference in the displacement and the velocity with the individual segments of model. Furthermore, those three models had greater standard error in the displacement and velocity. The individual segment model has smaller standard error compared to Cheng CT model, Ho MRI model and Cheng MRI model. These results suggest that future studies engaged in male artistic gymnasts should apply male gymnast segment model to analyze or apply Cheng CT model, Ho MRI model and Cheng MRI model, if gymnast segment model was not available.


Andrews, J. G.,Mish, S. P.(1996).Methods for investigating the sentivity of joint resultants to body segment parameter variations.Journal of Biomechanics.29,651-654.
