  • 期刊


Kinematic Strategy of Standing Triple Long-Jump for Elite Athletes


立定連續三次跳為基本體能測驗、增強式訓練及運動選材的重要動作之一。本研究以動作控制觀點來探 討立定連續三次跳的動作型式,探討優秀組與普通組在立定三次跳的「策略」使用上是否有所不同。本研究 目的為分析優秀組及一般組的立定連續三次跳動作型式,透過運動學參數的差異分析,進而了解影響兩組在 立定連續三次跳動作表現上的策略。共計 24 名高中男生依據立定三次跳成績分成優秀及普通兩組,透過二 部高速攝影機 (JVC 9800, 120 Hz) 及動作分析軟體 (Kwon 3D),並以獨立樣本 t 考驗分析兩組差異,統計水 準定為 α = .05。研究結果顯示優秀組與一般組在三跳距離與比例、下肢關節蹬伸變化量、騰空期最大髖關節 角度皆有顯著差異 (p < .05)。兩組在三跳策略均呈現不同趨勢,優秀組每一跳的距離隨著步幅增加呈穩定上 揚,一般組則是每跳均無明顯差異。從研究結果中了解優秀組在三跳運動學控制參數上明顯與普通組有差異, 表示優秀組與一般組在立定連續三次跳「技術策略」使用上的確有所不同,本結果可提供體育教師在進行教 學上之參考。


The purpose of the study was to compare the kinematic differences between the elite senior high school athletes and normal students in long-jump. Twenty-four subjects including elite athletes and normal students were voluntarily participated in this study. Two high speed cameras (120 Hz) were used to capture the movements of all participants during the event. Kinematic parameters were derived from Kwon 3D software. Differences of parameters between the two groups were analyzed by using t-test. The results showed that the distance and ratio of each step, the extension of lower extremities at landing phase and the peak angle of hip joint at air phase were significantly different between elite athletes and normal students. For elite group the distance of each jumping increased along with the increased steps. In contrast to this, the distance of each jumping was not change among the three steps for normal group. It was concluded that the strategy of standing triple long-jump was significantly different between elite athletes and normal students.


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