  • 期刊


A Study on Cadastral Maps Data Change Processing and Display


地籍資料持續變更的過程,使其具有動態變化的特性,隨著時間變化,可能發生產權移轉、空間屬性變更、土地利用型態變化等情形。為了確保地籍資料的即時性,資料庫需不斷地進行更新,在資料更新過程中,產生大量的歷史數據。而歷史數據使用頻率不及現況數據高,易遭忽略,但其於檔案應用上扮演重要角色,可用於統計、監測土地利用變化,以及疑議處理時回溯宗地的歷史變更過程,甚至為公、私部門的決策參考依據。因此,從時間觀點考量地籍資料呈現,確實有其必要性。此外,如何讓資料具備多目標應用與呈現的特性,也是一個重要的課題。Google Maps與Earth已開放部分API,使用者可依其需求將地圖功能嵌入特定應用功能的網頁中,使得網路資源可發揮共享效果最大化。 本研究將藉由分析地籍資料的時間性質,建立一個可結合時間與空間圖籍資料查詢與顯示的作業平臺,針對資料的時空特性作結合並進行處理,以確實掌握地籍資料完整的動態變化過程。


The cadastral data set actually has the characteristic of changeability. Along with time variation, property rights, spatial attribute, and the types of use in land may change. A large number of historical data will be produced while the cadastral data being updated. This kind of historical data has not been widely used. Therefore it is easy to be neglected. However, this kind of data plays an important role in practical application. For example, it can be used to show or monitor the changing history of particular parcel. It even provides references to support decision-making for government or private organizations. Therefore, it is essential and necessary to store and present cadastral data in spatial-temporal type. In addition, it is also an important research topic regarding to how to present cadastral information in multi-objective programming and application. In term of the technological development, the Application Programming Interface (API) of Google Maps and Earth has been released. Users can embed Maps/Earth API in web page or blog for specific purpose use by themselves. In this study, the type of cadastral data with temporal and spatial characteristics in Taiwan will be survey. A website with the function of query interface and Google Maps/Earth embedded displaying platform will be developed. This kind of query interface would handle the temporal - spatial characteristics of data.


Cadastral Data Temporal GIS


Google Maps
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