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A Study on Relationshps of Consumers' Socio-Economical Characteristics, Consumption Patterns and Commercial Facilities in the Shopping Streets-A Comparative Study between Taiwan and Pengfu, Kinmen Isl


本文旨在探討商店街消費者的社經屬性、消費型態與商業設施之間的關係,並且以台灣本島與澎湖金門離島進行比較研究,分別以台南延平街與澎湖中央街、金門模範街三條傳統商店街為經驗研究的地區。本文企圖從「消費-空間關連」此一觀念為切入點,進行本研究地區三條商店街之消費型態、商品與商業設施之間關係的調查、分析與解釋。本文採用的研究方法主要包括問卷調查與統計分析。 研究結果發現,利用Mort的「消費-社區空間之間關連」觀念用以檢證「在特定的場所中,特定的人在空間與特定的消費型態之間的關連」,經統計分析知,台南延平街與澎湖中央街之消費者的「職業」與「會去特定的商店消費」之間呈現顯著關連,此一結果符合Mort的主張,但是,金門模範街則否。整體而言,台南延平街具有顯著關連之項目比較多,而澎湖中央街與金門模範街則較少具有關連,這正顯示台灣本島與外島商店街消費者之商業型態與空間特性的差異。同時,「職業」不再是一項最顯著的影響變項,以此一分析觀點而言,這一結果是與Mort在倫敦Soho商業區的研究結果不相同的。二者差異的可能原因是:Soho商業區發展歷史一百餘年,商業空間自明性高,消費族群在「地方認同」、「產品認同」上具有強烈的歸屬感,而這是本研究地區尚未明顯存在的現象。總之,本文的重大研究發現,乃是Mort在英國倫敦Soho商業區研究中發現所謂「社會團體與消費地景之間的對應關係」的現象,同樣地出現在本計畫的三個地區之商店街中,但與Soho商業區不同的是,在本研究的三個地區中,「職業」尚未成為一項顯著的影響變項,以「職業」作為「消費」與「認同」之間關連的中介變項,尚未在本研究的三個地區中明顯存在。因此,一個理想的消費實踐分析必須體認到:「空間」與「地理」如何成為消費者交易活動型態研究的核心所在。依據此一說法,「消費認同」就顯得相當重要,而應該成為未來都市商業空間結構的新論述。


This paper is to explore the consumers' socio-economical characteristics, consumption patterns and commercial facilities in the shopping streets. We will take on empirical study on Yenping Street (延平街), Central Street (中央街), and Model Street (模範街) in Taiwan and Pengfu, Kinmen Island. This paper investigates the consumption patterns and commercial facilities of the three shopping streets from the viewpoint of the concept of ”consumption-space relations”. Major research methods are applied, including questionnaire survey and related statistical analysis. The main outcomes of this study will be as follows: (1) In Yenping Street and Central Street, we can find that there exists the significant contingence between consumer's ”occupation” and ”which specific stores do you consume”, this outcome is accordance with Mort's concept. But Model Street has not this outcome. (2) If we examine furtherly crosstable correlation X^2 test and ANOVA analysis, there are more ”significant” contingency in Yenping Street than in Central Street and Model Street. It shows that there have some different spatial characteristics in these four commercial areas. In the meantime, we also find that ”occupation” is not more significant influencing element to specific meaning of stores or goods and services for someone or for community spaces, and to specific stores to consume in this study. These outcomes are different from London's Soho study by Mort. (3) This study shows that there are not a stable relation between ”consumption” and ”identity” and is not completely established about the ”sense of community” of consumers in these three commercial areas. Therefore, it is obvious that ”consumption geography” and ”identity” are very to be worthy of attention in retail geography study area and to be new discourse in future's urban commercial spatial structures in Taiwan.


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